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Mein erster Test. :)

permalink written by  marg5qk2pe on October 23, 2012 from Stuttgart, Germany
from the travel blog: del045q4ma


Hola a quien quiera que me lea. Carlos y yo nos vamos mañana a Stuttgart, Alemania; en 11 años que llevo viviendo en Europa, jamás había pisado Alemania, no es un país que me llame la atención especialmente. Carlos y sus hermanas nacieron ahí, queremos ver dónde vivían sus padres, cómo es esa...

permalink written by  Noemi y Carlos on February 21, 2010 from Stuttgart, Germany
from the travel blog: MI VIDA EN BARCELONA, MI CASA

ab gehts

Und los gehts

permalink written by  abc on September 18, 2008 from Stuttgart, Germany
from the travel blog: New York

Day 7-8: Stuttgart

We left Prague early in the morning, got a tram to the outskirts of the city and hitched from there. We decided it would be easier to hitch hike slightly North before hitching west to Germany. A few lifts and lots of prostitute sightings later, we ended up in Munich where we watched the second...

permalink written by  bethy on June 25, 2006 from Stuttgart, Germany
from the travel blog: Europe hitch

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