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We are docked on the Side walk

Take a close look at this picture, this town is so small that there is no port. We dock onto the sidewalk! They actually have to shut down the street for the day.

permalink written by  maya on November 21, 2009 from Chios, Greece
from the travel blog: Cruising Around the World

What is up with the weather? Oh, its the Mediterranean

Say no more about why the Mediterranean is wonderful. The air is just this moist, soft whiper of a breeze and fragrant as frangapani. The town is lovely and is actually an island portion of Greece. Much of the town is of a martime background so many ship captains and crew are from here. We...

permalink written by  maya on November 19, 2009 from Chios, Greece
from the travel blog: Cruising Around the World

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