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Someone else

Forgot about the time change last night: it was 7pm before I got outside and I wouldn't have gotten to the awesome coffee downtown in time to enjoy it. Instead, I wandered around the neighborhood and ended up getting a beer and dinner. My pepto bismol moment last night argued otherwise, but what...

permalink written by  roel krabbendam on June 11, 2015 from Tokyo, Japan
from the travel blog: Bhutan

Mount Fuji or not...

It appears that mother nature does not want me to really see Mount Fuji. Last year the day I had scheduled was raining all day, this year the weather in Tokyo was beautiful however the closer I got to my destination the more overcast it got. Mount Fuji was not visible at all, well the base was.

permalink written by  Dennis-Coburn on October 17, 2013 from Tokyo, Japan
from the travel blog: Japan 2013


爱机控-智能手机综合门户 http://www.aijikong.com/

permalink written by  aijikong on September 6, 2013 from Tokyo, Japan
from the travel blog: 爱机控

my trip

it was fun!

permalink written by  odrareg56_afton on September 10, 2012 from Tokyo, Japan
from the travel blog: my trip



permalink written by  dff015 on April 20, 2012 from Tokyo, Japan
from the travel blog: 効果的に痩せられる/効果的な比較評判

Kill-Chinese !

Kill-Chinese ! Kill-Chinese !

permalink written by  killchinese on January 24, 2012 from Tokyo, Japan
from the travel blog: Kill-Chinese !

Auf Durchreise...

Das ist ein Test...

permalink written by  ichbinmalkurzweg on November 30, 2011 from Tokyo, Japan
from the travel blog: ichbinmalkurzweg's Travel Blog


Took the bus to catch the train to Tokyo... so we could catch another bus. While waiting for the bus we wandered around looking for one of Yukiko's old lunch spots. She actually used to work at the bus station we got our tickets at so she was feeling a bit nostalgic. Again, a LOT fewer people...

permalink written by  SarahRunningStar on October 30, 2011 from Tokyo, Japan
from the travel blog: Heading to the East (but didn't I go West?)

Almost There

After an theatrical night of last minute vacillation in NYC (Noah thinks a thermodynamics exam warrants a trip postponement), good judgement prevailed. Grumpy and armed with his textbook, Noah finished his last final aboard our 12 hour flight in which our presence graced the planes last row (on...

permalink written by  jadonogh on May 20, 2011 from Tokyo, Japan
from the travel blog: The SE Asia Adventure of Jake and Noah (Asian keybords dont have apostrophes)

Almost There

After an theatrical night of last minute vacillation in NYC (Noah thinks a thermodynamics exam warrants a trip postponement), good judgement prevailed. Grumpy and armed with his textbook, Noah finished his last final aboard our 12 hour flight in which our presence graced the planes last row (on...

permalink written by  jadonogh on May 20, 2011 from Tokyo, Japan
from the travel blog: The SE Asia Adventure of Jake and Noah (Asian keybords dont have apostrophes)

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