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China Dreaming

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Mmmm....lets see...I'm an Aussie girl who decided to take time off work and explore the world. I'm glad I did because I'm having the time of my life.

Merry Christmas

Dongguan, China

Merry Christmas everyone :)

Well I'm flying out tomorrow to spend Christmas in Oz with the family and Charles who is joining me on Christmas Day...maybe I can re-enact a scene from Love Actually :)

Charles and I will be home for about 3 weeks so he can meet my family and friends while also seeing a little bit of Australia.

Hopefully we can catch up with everyone and I'll send emails when I get home to try and arrange times.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year.


permalink written by  KatrinaB on December 19, 2007 from Dongguan, China
from the travel blog: China Dreaming
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Dongguan, China

Hi all,

I've just put some photos up on my Flickr account:



permalink written by  KatrinaB on November 13, 2007 from Dongguan, China
from the travel blog: China Dreaming
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Xmas Countdown :)

Dongguan, China

Hey everyone,

Well, not much has happened since my last blog except for the passage of time!

We (me + Charles) should be home in 6 weeks to celebrate Xmas in Oz. We're staying for about 3 weeks at this stage. I really missed the Xmas season here last year and can't wait to get home and be bombarded with Xmas consumerism!

Charles and I are celebrating 1 year together (sometimes it feels longer LOL) by going out for Japanese tonight...yum :) I'm going out at the end of the month for Thanksgiving dinner too, thought I should start since I'm dating an American.

I've got a Facebook account which I spend a huge amount of my time on, so look me up (Katrina Barton, China) if you like. It's easier to stay in contact that way.

That's it, boring I know but things should get exciting and busy next Jan/Feb when we leave China and start a brand new adventure together.


permalink written by  KatrinaB on November 5, 2007 from Dongguan, China
from the travel blog: China Dreaming
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Back again

Dongguan, China

Hi everyone,

I can't believe it's been over 2 months since I posted! I've been back for a while but haven't had access to the internet.

I had a fantastic time back in Oz and managed to catch up with nearly everyone. I was sick at the end of my stay so I decided it was best if I recovered in Kerang. I had a sinus infection, conjunctivitis and lots of cold sores! Not fun.

We've found a nice apartment right opposite my old apartment block so I'm in the same complex with is great. I don't have to learn the mandarin for a new apartment complex which is great! I had to think for a few minutes to remember how to say beef and pork in mandarin not to mention a bit of pracitising on how to get to Walmart, Metro and Dongcheng walking street.

Charles is as busy as always so I'm trying to occupy my time. I've done a bit of work for Tamzin at Winnerway but at this stage i'm spending my time cleaning, sleeping and watching DVD's. I know...poor me...but it can get a bit frustrating when there are things to do but due to my terrible chinese I have to wait for Charles to do them.

Charles and I are fixing up the kitchen and i'll post some photos when it's all finished!

That's about it really, not much happening....sorry!!!!


permalink written by  KatrinaB on October 4, 2007 from Dongguan, China
from the travel blog: China Dreaming
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Home Again :)

Kerang, Australia

Hi everyone,

Just a quick note to let everyone know I'm back in town!

After a very very long flight with no sleep I am finally feeling human again and ready to send emails and arrange times for catch-ups.

It's great to be home even if it's only for a little while though I do miss Charles :(

See you all soon.


permalink written by  KatrinaB on July 29, 2007 from Kerang, Australia
from the travel blog: China Dreaming
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Last day!

Dongguan, China


It's 4.30am on my last day of teaching at Winnerway and I'm having a bout of insomnia so I thought I'd write an update.

I can't believe I'm finally here, the last day of teaching. The kids have been a touch crazy this week even though they have their big end-of-school year exams on Friday. They're all looking forward to the long Summer holidays.

I have finally got my act together and I'm flying into Melbourne on the 26th of July. I'll probably be there for 3-4 weeks before heading back to Charles and China. I still have to figure out when I'll be where (ie. Kerang vs Geelong) so when I talk properly to Mum and Bron (who is kindly making all sorts of appointments for me...most important to see Lisa my hairdresser!) I'll send emails to try and arrange times.

It's all a bit sad too as Aine, Ville, Daniel and Klara are heading back to the 'real world' permanently :( Sounds scary lol

Well, I'm feeling a little bit sleepy now so I'll try the bed thing again. I don't have to get up til 9.30 so I can still get another 4 hours sleep or so...crazy I know! I vaguely remember having to get out of bed at 6am in Geelong to work in Melbourne...don't miss that at all :)

See you all soon.


permalink written by  KatrinaB on July 4, 2007 from Dongguan, China
from the travel blog: China Dreaming
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The final countdown......

Dongguan, China


Quick Update: I'm booking my flight on Monday so I'll soon know when I'm coming back to Oz and arrange times to catch up with everyone. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone :)

I can't quite believe that there's only two weeks of school left and then everything changes again. We're in the middle of our Oral English tests which I was over after the first day! I'm not sure what the last week will hold but it will no doubt involve chaos :)

Congrats to Trac, Andy, Hannah and Charlotte on the arrival of Eva Lily, granddaughter number 6 for Uncle David and Aunty Judy :)
See you all soon!


permalink written by  KatrinaB on June 23, 2007 from Dongguan, China
from the travel blog: China Dreaming
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Thunder storms galore!

Dongguan, China

Hello all,

With only 4-5 weeks of teaching left, we're all getting excited about the prospect of going home.

The wet season as arrived and we're getting thunderstorms just about everyday which gives us a brief respite from the revolting heat. The thunder is so loud that my teeth rattle and I can hear the crackle of the lightning! I love it...as long as I don't caught in the downpour :) They're over quickly and heat come back five times as bad because of the extra moisture in the air...just can't win. My air-con at home is getting a work out.

There's a lot of pressure on the students and Chinese teachers now that the year-end exams are coming up so I'm trying to make my review classes fun. It's a bit hard because of the heat, it's makes the students lethargic and all they want to do is watch cartoons and listen to music. The students are huge fans of Bugs Bunny and Tom and Jerry.

I've put some photos of the school up on Flickr (www.Flickr.com/photos/katrinab) for anyone who is interested in joining the Winnerway team for next semester. I've really enjoyed my time at Winnerway and while I won't miss lesson planning (like anyone else who's sane) I will miss the students (well, most of them) and definitely all the friends I have made here. You learn a lot about yourself and it has been the one of the best decisions I've ever made (coming to China and choosing Winnerway) and the only regret is that I couldn't instantly zap myself back to Oz for my Grandma's funeral. Well, I think that's enough free advertising for school :)

Back to me....still not sure when I'll be home but at this stage it looks like late July and I should be there for about 3 weeks. I'll probably make the booking this weekend.

Ruby is doing well and Will is adjusting to his little sister.

For all those people who were effected by the Kerang rail tragedy that happened this afternoon, I'm thinking of you all the way over here. To my knowledge no one I know has been hurt and I have my fingers crossed. God bless those who didn't survive and their families.


permalink written by  KatrinaB on June 5, 2007 from Dongguan, China
from the travel blog: China Dreaming
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Summer again

Dongguan, China

Hi everyone,

I'm sitting on my couch typing away on my new notebook (b'day pressie from Charles) with the air conditioner on high.

Summer is here with a vengeance and we're all feeling exhausted and lethargic. The temperature if 30 degrees but real feel is 36. You walk outside and 2 seconds later you break out into a sweat....yuk. One day last week it was 31 with a real feel of 41! Not much fun when the class rooms only have fans, we all hide in Tamzin's office because it's air conditioned :)

We finish school on the 10th of July and I'm planning to come home for about 3-4 weeks depending on flight availability. I'll send emails when I know for sure and arrange catch-ups!

Not much else happening, just counting down to the end of school and everyone is getting excited about going home.

Ruby is doing well and Will is coping with his new little sister LOL

Better go and so some lesson planning...looking forward to NEVER having to do that again!


permalink written by  KatrinaB on May 26, 2007 from Dongguan, China
from the travel blog: China Dreaming
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New Arrival

Dongguan, China

Hello all,

I would like to announce the arrival of my beautiful niece, Ruby Leila, who was born at 7am on May 11 weighing 8lb 7oz.

Ruby has lots of black hair and looks like her father! Bron and Ruby are doing fine and Mum has been teaching Will how to say Ruby :)

This morning I'm off to buy lots of little pink girly clothes for Ruby...FUN FUN FUN!


permalink written by  KatrinaB on May 11, 2007 from Dongguan, China
from the travel blog: China Dreaming
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