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Major Cities and Destinations

Aadorf, Switzerland Lausanne, Switzerland
Aarau, Switzerland Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland
Adelboden, Switzerland Le Locle, Switzerland
Adligenswil, Switzerland Lenzburg, Switzerland
Aecherli, Switzerland Les Avants, Switzerland
Aeckenmatt, Switzerland Leuk, Switzerland
Aedermannsdorf, Switzerland Leysin, Switzerland
Aeschau, Switzerland Lichtensteig, Switzerland
Aeschi, Switzerland Locarno, Switzerland
Aeschlen, Switzerland Loch, Switzerland
Aigle, Switzerland Lucerne, Switzerland
Airolo, Switzerland Lugano, Switzerland
Alberswil, Switzerland Lungern, Switzerland
Alpthal, Switzerland Luzern, Switzerland
Altdorf, Switzerland Maienfeld, Switzerland
Amriswil, Switzerland Maloja, Switzerland
Andermatt, Switzerland Martigny-Ville, Switzerland
Appenzell, Switzerland Matte, Switzerland
Apples, Switzerland Meiringen, Switzerland
Arbon, Switzerland Menznau, Switzerland
Arcegno, Switzerland Mex, Switzerland
Arosa, Switzerland Meyrin, Switzerland
Ayent, Switzerland Monthey, Switzerland
Baden, Switzerland Montreux, Switzerland
Basel, Switzerland Morel, Switzerland
Bellinzona, Switzerland Morges, Switzerland
Bergun, Switzerland Morschwil, Switzerland
Berikon, Switzerland Mullheim, Switzerland
Bern, Switzerland Munsingen, Switzerland
Bex, Switzerland Murren, Switzerland
Biel, Switzerland Muttenz, Switzerland
Bonigen, Switzerland Neftenbach, Switzerland
Bosco Gurin, Switzerland Neuchatel, Switzerland
Bre, Switzerland Niedergosgen, Switzerland
Brig, Switzerland Nyon, Switzerland
Brunnen, Switzerland Ober Stafel, Switzerland
Buix, Switzerland Oftringen, Switzerland
Burgdorf, Switzerland Olten, Switzerland
Cala, Switzerland Parpan, Switzerland
Cama, Switzerland Pontresina, Switzerland
Champex, Switzerland Rapperswil, Switzerland
Chardonne, Switzerland Riddes, Switzerland
Chiasso, Switzerland Rigi Kaltbad, Switzerland
Chippis, Switzerland Romanshorn, Switzerland
Chur, Switzerland Rothrist, Switzerland
Crans, Switzerland Rumlang, Switzerland
Cresciano, Switzerland Rupperswil, Switzerland
Dagmersellen, Switzerland Saanen, Switzerland
Davos Dorf, Switzerland Saas, Switzerland
Davos Platz, Switzerland Saint Moritz, Switzerland
Domat, Switzerland Saint-Cergue, Switzerland
Effingen, Switzerland Samnaun, Switzerland
Eggenschwand, Switzerland Sankt Gallen, Switzerland
Eiken, Switzerland Savognin, Switzerland
Emmetten, Switzerland Sax, Switzerland
Engelberg, Switzerland Schaffhausen, Switzerland
Engelberg, Switzerland Schonbuhl, Switzerland
Engi, Switzerland Scuol, Switzerland
Entlebuch, Switzerland Seon, Switzerland
Estavayer-le-Lac, Switzerland Simplon Dorf, Switzerland
Faedo, Switzerland Sion, Switzerland
Fang, Switzerland Sisikon, Switzerland
Flueli, Switzerland Solothurn, Switzerland
Fluhli, Switzerland Sonogno, Switzerland
Frasco, Switzerland Sorenberg, Switzerland
Freienbach, Switzerland Spiez, Switzerland
Fribourg, Switzerland Splugen, Switzerland
Froda, Switzerland Stechelberg, Switzerland
Froda, Switzerland Sursee, Switzerland
Frunt, Switzerland Tasch, Switzerland
Frutt, Switzerland Tenero, Switzerland
Gandria, Switzerland Thal, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland Thun, Switzerland
Geneve, Switzerland Trient, Switzerland
Gerra, Switzerland Turbenthal, Switzerland
Giessbach, Switzerland Uerikon, Switzerland
Gimmelwald, Switzerland Uesslingen, Switzerland
Gletsch, Switzerland Uetikon, Switzerland
Goppenstein, Switzerland Uster, Switzerland
Gossau, Switzerland Vallorbe, Switzerland
Grenchen, Switzerland Verbier, Switzerland
Grindelwald, Switzerland Vevey, Switzerland
Gruyeres, Switzerland Villars-le-Grand, Switzerland
Guttannen, Switzerland Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland
Handegg, Switzerland Villeneuve, Switzerland
Hausen, Switzerland Villnachern, Switzerland
Herisau, Switzerland Vinzel, Switzerland
Hinwil, Switzerland Visp, Switzerland
Hongg, Switzerland Vordemwald, Switzerland
Horgen, Switzerland Wabern, Switzerland
Hornussen, Switzerland Wallenstadt, Switzerland
Innertkirchen, Switzerland Wangen an der Aare, Switzerland
Interlaken, Switzerland Weggis, Switzerland
Ittenthal, Switzerland Weissbad, Switzerland
Jona, Switzerland Wengen, Switzerland
Kaisten, Switzerland Wilderswil, Switzerland
Kienholz, Switzerland Willigen, Switzerland
Klosters Dorf, Switzerland Winterthur, Switzerland
Klosters Platz, Switzerland Wolhusen, Switzerland
Koniz, Switzerland Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
Kreuzlingen, Switzerland Zermatt, Switzerland
Kuttigen, Switzerland Zofingen, Switzerland
La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland Zug, Switzerland
La Cure, Switzerland Zurich, Switzerland
La Fouly, Switzerland Zurichhorn, Switzerland
Landbrugg, Switzerland

see small towns (warning, it's a lot of names!)

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