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Le lac des 4 cantons

3 août Encore une journée chaude mais super. Nous avons visité Luzern en train. C'est situé Au centre de la Suisse. Nous avons utilisé notre dernière passe de train. Très belle Ville située sur le bord d'un magnifique lac duquel part une rivière d'un vert exceptionnel. Les gens se jetaient dans...

permalink written by  gifran on August 3, 2013 from Luzern, Switzerland
from the travel blog: Europe 2013


Voll ausgerüstet mit Schutzgeländer, Bordbrettern, Leitern, Verstrebungen und Bodenadaptern für sicheren und bequemen Zugang, bietet seine legierte Metallkonstruktion niedrige Wartungskosten sowie eine lange und störungsfreie Lebensdauer

permalink written by  gerueste on February 6, 2012 from Luzern, Switzerland
from the travel blog: Gerüste Instant tower AG

this is my dairy.

and thats the plan so far: check out in lucern the 1.9.10 @ 9am. Via Zürich and London to San Francisco where I ll bord my muscle car which will be my bff for a week. then I get myself a AK47 and some bullets in a Walmart and join in the mexican tribe wars right after the frontier where its...

permalink written by  Bahaiano on August 6, 2010 from Luzern, Switzerland
from the travel blog: Bahaiano and the beaches

a Day in the Alps

hiking, city

permalink written by  lost_red_balloon on October 5, 2008 from Luzern, Switzerland
from the travel blog: The European Union

party time

Four countries in one trip today ending in a fantastic hotel in Luzern. We did some sight seeing then went to a Swiz restaurant where we were allowed two drinks only and a group entertained us with horn blowing, bottle playing, cow bell ringing, flag throwing and other wicked things.

permalink written by  julietc on July 7, 2007 from Luzern, Switzerland
from the travel blog: Juliet does Europe

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