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Sve okolu mene e sino...kako sto e neboto,beskonecnost...Dodeka razmisluvas za negovata prekrasno sina boja se sozdavaat teski oblaci koi tezat...Nivnite solzi se slevaat na povrsinata za da sozdadat nadez za nov zivot.

permalink written by  BlueSeptember on September 13, 2009 from Ohrid, Macedonia
from the travel blog: Me


Selam olsun Osmanlı'ya... Aman bre Skopjee!!

permalink written by  balkanturu on May 16, 2009 from Skopje, Macedonia
from the travel blog: Balkan Turu


Ohri Gölü welcomes you..

permalink written by  balkanturu on May 16, 2009 from Ohrid, Macedonia
from the travel blog: Balkan Turu


Şirin Türkler...Nassınız beaa! Balkan burası işte..

permalink written by  balkanturu on May 16, 2009 from Struga, Macedonia
from the travel blog: Balkan Turu

FYROM (The Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia - Macedonia to us non Greeks)

Arriving in Bitola felt like arriving in Eastern Europe should, forlorn stray dogs scratching through rubbish under grey skies, the scenery dominated by square communist era housing blocks. It also meant adjusting to a new currency, something that my mind is so tired of doing i cant even...

permalink written by  BalkanAdventure on May 29, 2007 from Ohrid, Macedonia
from the travel blog: The Fantastic Far Flung Eastern European Adventure

Visiting Antic Places in Kratovos region

The RockArt Centre in Kratovo has all the informations about the Kratovos region , geological village tourism, architecture, monastery tourism etc.

permalink written by  Stevce_Donev on March 24, 2007 from Slegovo, Macedonia
from the travel blog: Visiting Antic Places in Kratovos region


The RockArt Centre in Kratovo has all the informations about the Kratovos region , geological village tourism, architecture, monastery tourism etc.

permalink written by  Stevce_Donev on March 23, 2007 from Kratovo, Macedonia
from the travel blog: Visiting Antic Places in Kratovos region

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