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Getting to the jungles of Palenque= Bus Adventures

Nov 23 The quaint town of Campeche with it´s bright pastel colored buildings wasn´t much unlike Merida. It had a nice waterfront (blocked by a wall that at one time kept pirates out of the city)and a charming central plaza, however two days in Campeche was enough and we were edging to get into...

permalink written by  joshandmary on November 26, 2009 from Palenque, Mexico
from the travel blog: joshandmary's Travel Blog


The mini bus picked us up outside the hostel at 6 a.m. We had bought a tour to see the waterfalls at Agua Azul and Mizul Ha and then the mayan ruins to Palenque. It was the bumpiest ride ever!!! I almost knocked my head in the roof when the driver forgot to slow down before a roadbump. The roads...

permalink written by  Steffi & Chris on September 14, 2009 from Palenque, Mexico
from the travel blog: 212 days

Entrando en tierras zapatistas!!!

Viaje de toda la noche con Gabriel en un autobus un poco destartalado, pero llegamos!! He dormido en la selva, en una hamaca debajo de una palapa (una choza sin paredes). Hay unos monos, monos aulladores, que no veas como gritan a la noche. Si no sabes lo que es, te parece que estan matando a...

permalink written by  Eka on July 20, 2009 from Palenque, Mexico
from the travel blog: Ekaren bidaia

The Mayan´s were amazing people

We made it to Palenque with a little sleep on the bus and got a hotel across the street. Most of the hotel have cost around 200-250 Pesoes or $17-$20 Canadian. After sleeping in today we headed for lunch then to the Mayan ruins. We had a terific tour guide named Artero. He really liked us...

permalink written by   Chris Pagett on February 25, 2009 from Palenque, Mexico
from the travel blog: Chris and Em's Adventure

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