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Ocean Safari

We both had a fantastic day today, not believing just how exciting the ocean safari would be! We saw hump back whales about 5 feet away, I swam above a whale shark and saw 2 pods of dolphins. Not bad for my first ever snorkelling experience. However, it was ultra scary and seriously tiring,...

permalink written by  chrischarly on August 14, 2010 from Praia do Tofo, Mozambique
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's African Adventure


Had a nice day today, booked our ocean safari for tomorrow, but they're still not launching boats so we pray they do! Went out in the evening for an opening party at Turtle Cove, we had a great night, lovin' the complimentary pork rolls! When we were walking home at night I...

permalink written by  chrischarly on August 13, 2010 from Praia do Tofo, Mozambique
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's African Adventure

Lovely Walk

Today we went on a lovely walk to Casa Barry completely the other side of the beach and although it was still windy the sun was shining. However we couldn't spend long there as the weather was still awful so we were afraid of being cut off. We found another amazingly cheap place in the heart of...

permalink written by  chrischarly on August 12, 2010 from Praia do Tofo, Mozambique
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's African Adventure

Another Windy day

Today was just as bad as the day before, which also meant that the sea was impossible to go in as it was so dangerous; they weren't even launching boats! However, Chris was outside reading his book watching kids as young as 3 and 4 playing in the sea whilst their parents enjoyed a beer! He...

permalink written by  chrischarly on August 11, 2010 from Praia do Tofo, Mozambique
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's African Adventure

Windy day

Not much to say about today as we didn't do much as it was too windy and to cold to do anything! So went spent 4 hours in a deli eating some nice Comfort food and spent the rest of the day reading. It was far too cold to go to Tofo Tofo, so had a very disappointing pizza at Dino's with a few...

permalink written by  chrischarly on August 10, 2010 from Praia do Tofo, Mozambique
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's African Adventure

Night Out With Friends

We had a great day today relaxing outside our little home reading in the gorgeous sunshine then making a couple of new friends, Sam and Mags who we later invited out to dinner with us in the evening. Had a great night, drinking till quite late at Tofo Tofo and then back at ours.

permalink written by  chrischarly on August 8, 2010 from Praia do Tofo, Mozambique
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's African Adventure


Myself and Chris eventually woke up at 2:30pm, Chris with a raging hang-over and ate till we were fit to burst to soak some of the alcohol up! However, that was pretty much all we did as we fell asleep around 7pm. Pretty wasteful day but we feel so much better for it!

permalink written by  chrischarly on August 7, 2010 from Praia do Tofo, Mozambique
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's African Adventure


I woke up to find Chris watching the whales jump out of the sea in the distance. It's amazing how clear you can see them! We had a lovely day even though we couldn't do a lot due to my toe as it's hard to walk, but in the evening we went out to Dino's- which is the local bar and had a great...

permalink written by  chrischarly on August 6, 2010 from Praia do Tofo, Mozambique
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's African Adventure

:( :( Poorly Toe! :( :(

After going for a lovely long walk along the beach we went to check out going on an ocean safari. Luckily, we didn't book one as an hour later I tripped up outside the deli on a step and ripped half of my big toe nail off! Blood squited out everywhere and the pain was so bad I though I might...

permalink written by  chrischarly on August 5, 2010 from Praia do Tofo, Mozambique
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's African Adventure

Aquatico lodge!

In the morning we went for a little trip around Tofo, finding a lovely little deli where we made a couple of friends who found us some much better accomodation, which a lot cheaper right on the beach! So we swiftly moved all of our things out of Bamboozi lodge into Aquatico receiving a frosty...

permalink written by  chrischarly on August 4, 2010 from Praia do Tofo, Mozambique
from the travel blog: Chris and Charly's African Adventure

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