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A Wedding in Paradise

If someone had, at the start of this trip, told me I would be attending my parents wedding in Vilanculos I would have quite literally laughed at them. But, thirteen years after the initial proposal, Mum and Dad finally got married at North Point on Benguerra Island. It had started as a normal...

permalink written by  MarcusInAfrica on April 18, 2009 from Vilankulo, Mozambique
from the travel blog: Cape to Cardiff

The High Life in Vilankulo

Aside from almost killing a security guard my first few days in Vilanculos were pretty uneventful, that said I did have the pleasure of helping Eusabio build his piroque. However, the arrival of Mum and Dad, along with their good friends Sue and Peet, signaled the start of some rather special...

permalink written by  MarcusInAfrica on April 14, 2009 from Vilankulo, Mozambique
from the travel blog: Cape to Cardiff

How Not to Use a Leatherman

There comes a time when you are travelling in Africa that you begin to crave certain items and food types that are not as readily available as you may like. After close to seven weeks on the road my first craving arrived, yet had I known the trouble acquiring it would lead to I think I may have...

permalink written by  MarcusInAfrica on April 9, 2009 from Vilankulo, Mozambique
from the travel blog: Cape to Cardiff

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