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Day 8 -- A Day On The Lake

A day on the lake. We started, as we usually do, by visiting the local market. To get there we again crossed the hyacinth-dotted lake, passing by a number of local fisherman using the traditional cone-shaped nets, which are becoming more and more rare (or so says out guide). We eventually...

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on June 26, 2012 from Inle Lake, Myanmar (Burma)
from the travel blog: Southeast Asia (2012)

Day 7 -- Inle

And we're off to Inle Lake. Joe picked us up at 6:30 for the hour or so ride to the airport. Along the way, he told us about a small Nat (spirit) festival that we had missed yesterday in lieu of the temples. I wish we had known, because I would have much preferred to see what he described,...

permalink written by  shoshtrvls on June 25, 2012 from Inle Lake, Myanmar (Burma)
from the travel blog: Southeast Asia (2012)

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