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... und wieder weg, weiter Richtung Norden

Heute stand der zweite Gletscher, der [[New-Zealand/Franz-Josef-Glacier]], auf dem Programm. Leider muss man sagen, dass dieser Gletscher nicht so beeindruckend war, wie der Fox Glacier gestern oder der Tasman Glacier vor 2 Wochen. Das lag vielleicht daran, dass man nicht mehr so nahe dran...

permalink written by  hmm on November 4, 2013 from Hokitika, New Zealand
from the travel blog: HmM Neuseeland 2013

Blue water & mushrooms

Day - 21 Tuesday 12th May 2009 Yet another cold clear night with a hard frost, but we didn't care in the slightest as we were even more warm and snug in Helen & David's lovely new house near Hokitika. After a rather later than planned arrival yesterday, we enjoyed much socialising and a...

permalink written by  Saros on May 12, 2009 from Hokitika, New Zealand
from the travel blog: The Hairy Animal 2009 World Road Trip

Lake Mahinapua and the legendary Poo Party!

Early rise this morning as we had a walk along the coast on the cards. It was a short drive down the coast to Cape Foulwind where we were to begin the stroll. The cape is a beautiful spot and is the furthest western part of New Zealand, it also has a large colony of Fur Seals and it is their...

permalink written by  The Hulk on April 11, 2007 from Hokitika, New Zealand
from the travel blog: The Hulk goes Down Under!

Passing through

Rolled through Hokitika on our way to Punakaki, on the way through we saw the valley full of mist and low lying cloud, with the sun shining through...

permalink written by  tomrendell on March 3, 2007 from Hokitika, New Zealand
from the travel blog: New Zealand

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