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weiter nach Süden durch den Regen

Nach einer regenreichen Nacht ging es weiter Richtung Süden, bis zur Küste. Das Wetter war mal mehr, mal weniger regnerisch und stürmisch. In Bluff, der südlichsten Stadt der Südinsel, haben wir den Rundumblick vom Bluff Hill aus 'genossen' - es war so stürmisch, dass es unseren Bus...

permalink written by  hmm on October 25, 2013 from Invercargill, New Zealand
from the travel blog: HmM Neuseeland 2013

Thwarted by ESPN NZ - Night 103

The major goal today was to find a place to watch the Packers game, which would be played at 12:30. I spent the morning wandering around town looking for a used bookstore to trade in a few finished books for some new ones. Along the way I made a mental note of everyplace that looked like it...

permalink written by  exumenius on January 21, 2008 from Invercargill, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

The Bottom of the World - Night 102

Bright and early - 7 am to be exact - my short bus from Te Anau left. Our driver Simon was a proper tourism industry Kiwi, that is, he had the crazy hair and disheveled look of a man on a permanent holiday. At the beginning there were just two of us, so I rode shotgun as Simon zig-zagged...

permalink written by  exumenius on January 20, 2008 from Invercargill, New Zealand
from the travel blog: Kiwis and Kangaroos

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