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The silence of the lambs

We're down to our final days in Niamey, and I'm working to find the balance between finishing all my assignments and enjoying the rest of my time in the city. There's so much more that I want to do here, and on some level I still can't fathom how this could all come to an end so...

permalink written by  The Boston Wanderer on December 12, 2008 from Niamey, Niger
from the travel blog: Sandstorms

Sorry for the lapse...

I know it's been a long time since my last entry, but I have a reasonable excuse (hopefully). Almost two weeks ago, the one ISP in Niamey went down and the entire city was without internet for three days. And then for some reason, the internet at the CFCA never came back on and our calls for...

permalink written by  The Boston Wanderer on December 1, 2008 from Niamey, Niger
from the travel blog: Sandstorms

Nothing New

Not much new here. I have a Zarma midterm tomorrow that I'm shockingly unprepared for, and everyone's stressing about a paper that's due Wednesday morning before we leave for Benin. Oh yeah, we're going to Benin for ten days, which is really awesome, but we probably won't be able to watch...

permalink written by  The Boston Wanderer on October 27, 2008 from Niamey, Niger
from the travel blog: Sandstorms

Bonne Fete!

October has arrived, and with it the mini hot season that threatens to drain the very soul from my body. Unfortunately, we've already planned a trip to Ayrou for this weekend, so I won't be able to spend it in my dark room with the fan on, surrounded by ice packs. I am super-excited about...

permalink written by  The Boston Wanderer on October 2, 2008 from Niamey, Niger
from the travel blog: Sandstorms

Community Placements

Now that community placements have started I'm finding that I don't have time to take four classes AND go to my 4-credit placement. At first, I thought that I needed to take one class in English to preserve my sanity, but I now see that taking an extra class beyond the requirements doesn't make...

permalink written by  The Boston Wanderer on September 24, 2008 from Niamey, Niger
from the travel blog: Sandstorms

Odds and Ends

Learning is a two-way street here. Last night, in my Culture and Society class, our teacher explained the social implications of farting in Niger (it is only done by slaves, who have no shame), and we taught her about gold-diggers and plastic surgery. In French, no less. Yesterday was...

permalink written by  The Boston Wanderer on September 20, 2008 from Niamey, Niger
from the travel blog: Sandstorms


The CFCA, our home for the next four months: My itsy-bitsy bedroom (mosquito nets included): Is there anyplace on Earth that doesn't sell Coca Cola? I think the yogurt speaks for itself: There are goats everywhere; they're probably the best-fed animals in the whole country...

permalink written by  The Boston Wanderer on September 13, 2008 from Niamey, Niger
from the travel blog: Sandstorms

Still here

As K2 subtly reminded me, I've neglected to update for the last week-and-a-half. Where should I begin? It's hot, and I have so many mosquito bites that taking my antimalarial pills seems like an exercise in futility. At least I'm able to drink copious amounts of water throughout the day, a...

permalink written by  The Boston Wanderer on September 12, 2008 from Niamey, Niger
from the travel blog: Sandstorms


We spent close to a day in transit, but we finally reached Niamey on Sunday afternoon! I'm almost through with my second full day here, but it feels like so much longer. So far, I have taken two Zarma lessons, received a new name, slurped yogurt from a plastic bag, and visited a museum/zoo. ...

permalink written by  The Boston Wanderer on September 2, 2008 from Niamey, Niger
from the travel blog: Sandstorms


We got to the bus station at 8am the next morning, not far from the abandoned Texaco station where I had left Nassirou. I met two young girls dressed alike in pink checked dresses, one blind and the other leading her from passenger to passenger pleaded for money. A woman in immaculate green...

permalink written by  roel krabbendam on February 18, 2007 from Niamey, Niger
from the travel blog: Harmattan

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