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The Burgers of Calais.  These six people offered themselves as hostages to Edward III after he besieged London in 1817...Rumor has it he spared the rest of the town

The Burgers of Calais. These six people offered themselves as hostages to Edward III after he besieged London in 1817...Rumor has it he spared the rest of the town

This Freakin' Rocks!!! posted by flaminko
Tracey and me fountain in Trafalgar Square pigeon..they're everywhere...they walk next to you and it's normal... Parliament The Burgers of Calais.  These six people offered themselves as hostages to Edward III after he besieged London in 1817...Rumor has it he spared the rest of the town Anti-war Anti-war Rabble rabble rabble....damn protesters..heathens! All of them!! Bridge to Terabithia..or the other side of the river..whatevski

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