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Privy Gardens as seen from the King's apartments- King William III's apartments are furnished with tapestries and works of art from the 1700s

Privy Gardens as seen from the King's apartments- King William III's apartments are furnished with tapestries and works of art from the 1700s

This Freakin' Rocks!!! posted by flaminko
Taurus of course Ceiling that I didn't know I wasn't supposed to take a picture of... Clock Court Privy Gardens as seen from the King's apartments- King William III's apartments are furnished with tapestries and works of art from the 1700s Mushroom trees in the garden...if you eat one of them, you get an extra life. White miniature flamingo?  Nah, herron. Pond in the 20th Century Garden- originally a horse paddock, but was transformed in the 70s for training gardening apprentices Pond

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