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This is to call for rescue or something.....

This is to call for rescue or something.....

This Freakin' Rocks!!! posted by Mike_Veine
from the travel blog: Mike's Top Gear Challenge

On a hike in the morning- I will climb that steep little guy on the left. Not too big a deal. More views from entering the Canyon- unfortunately my camera batteries died so not too many pics later on the hike Kings Canyon There are some steps to help you get to the top of the steep section Amazing colors in the morning light This is to call for rescue or something..... Some Outward Bound Girls on the rim hike A 12 Kilometer Dirt road Detour because of a road closure- some of the dirt was pretty soft so I was a little worried about getting bogged The light brown mounds on left and right are the tailings from opal mining Maybe a better view- they are conical piles

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