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Floral baths prior to ayahuasca ceremonies

Floral baths prior to ayahuasca ceremonies

This Freakin' Rocks!!! posted by Ross Heaven: Plant Spirit Shamanism from Iquitos, Peru
from the travel blog: PLANT SPIRIT SHAMANISM IN PERU

tagged Ayahuasca, PlantSpiritShamanism, Shamanism and Yage

The invisible people! Clay baths prior to ayahuasca ceremonies Bathing in the red river prior to ayahuasca ceremonies a view of the ayahuasca camp Floral baths prior to ayahuasca ceremonies Participant blowing intentions and prayers for healing into ayahuasca Participant preparing ayahuasca Participant being healed by shaman prior to ayahuasca ceremonies Participants following floral baths after ayahuasca ceremonies Participant preparing ayahuasca brew Making floral baths for ayahuasca ceremonies

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