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Superman zips through the skies just to come say hi!

Superman zips through the skies just to come say hi!

This Freakin' Rocks!!! posted by DanYilin
from the travel blog: go.

tagged SixFlagsMagicMountain

Scream your lungs out!!! Yeahh! People loading up on the Tatsu. The lame ride that made me feel sick. The point where we realised that we're not going on just another ordinary coaster... If Butterscotch Rocks can't rock your boat, I don't know what will. Superman zips through the skies just to come say hi! The universal sign for View of the coasters from the parking lot - can't wait!! Riders cheering as they're being hauled up the track backwards. X2 - the most awesome coaster there ever was!

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