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Plastic storage containers.

Plastic storage containers.

This Freakin' Rocks!!! posted by AM
The other side The equivalen to a nickel Command Strips! Saran wrap (this was easy for us to figure out what it was, it says The Trust-Mart.  You can't really tell from this picture, but there are signs hanging everywhere and lots and lots of people. Plastic storage containers. Our new water machine! The checkout.  There are a lot of people.  We thought that lines at Wal-Mart are long in the U.S., but we were wrong.  Lines here are SUPER long! The Supermarkets have escalator ramps that you take the carts on to move from each floor. Popcorn!  One is salt and pepper flavored and the other is sweet cream.  They had a try-a-taste of the sweet cream kind, it was pretty good.

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