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Blueberry potato chips.  We haven't tried them yet, but we're very curious!

Blueberry potato chips. We haven't tried them yet, but we're very curious!

This Freakin' Rocks!!! posted by AM
from the travel blog: .

The checkout.  There are a lot of people.  We thought that lines at Wal-Mart are long in the U.S., but we were wrong.  Lines here are SUPER long! The Supermarkets have escalator ramps that you take the carts on to move from each floor. Popcorn!  One is salt and pepper flavored and the other is sweet cream.  They had a try-a-taste of the sweet cream kind, it was pretty good. This really good sweet tea that we drank at a restaurant and then found in the store.  It is called Simple BBQ (or so we think) Blueberry potato chips.  We haven't tried them yet, but we're very curious! Mmmm...Doritos in a really cool looking bag. Noodles! A power strip from China.  We own two now. We're hoping that this is like the orange

By Lay's, huh? I guess people must be more adventurous in China than in Indiana!

permalink written by  April on August 24, 2009

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