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Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World
Around the World

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Departure / Depart

Paris, France

I am preparing to leave, got everything packed and ready to go. Last thing is setting up this blog and hopefully all is good.

Je me prepare pour le depart, la valise est faite et prete à partir. La dernier chose a faire c'est mettre ce blog en route et tout devrais etre bon.

permalink written by  Sebou on October 19, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Around the World
tagged Paris

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Departure / Depart

Paris, France

I am preparing to leave, got everything packed and ready to go. Last thing is setting up this blog and hopefully all is good.

Je me prepare pour le depart, la valise est faite et prete à partir. La dernier chose a faire c'est mettre ce blog en route et tout devrais etre bon.

permalink written by  Sebou on October 19, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Around the World
tagged Paris

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Departure / Depart

Paris, France

I am preparing to leave, got everything packed and ready to go. Last thing is setting up this blog and hopefully all is good.

Je me prepare pour le depart, la valise est faite et prete à partir. La dernier chose a faire c'est mettre ce blog en route et tout devrais etre bon.

permalink written by  Sebou on October 19, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Around the World
tagged Paris

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Departure / Depart

Paris, France

I am preparing to leave, got everything packed and ready to go. Last thing is setting up this blog and hopefully all is good.

Je me prepare pour le depart, la valise est faite et prete à partir. La dernier chose a faire c'est mettre ce blog en route et tout devrais etre bon.

permalink written by  Sebou on October 19, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Around the World
tagged Paris

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Departure / Depart

Paris, France

I am preparing to leave, got everything packed and ready to go. Last thing is setting up this blog and hopefully all is good.

Je me prepare pour le depart, la valise est faite et prete à partir. La dernier chose a faire c'est mettre ce blog en route et tout devrais etre bon.

permalink written by  Sebou on October 19, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Around the World
tagged Paris

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Departure / Depart

Paris, France

I am preparing to leave, got everything packed and ready to go. Last thing is setting up this blog and hopefully all is good.

Je me prepare pour le depart, la valise est faite et prete à partir. La dernier chose a faire c'est mettre ce blog en route et tout devrais etre bon.

permalink written by  Sebou on October 19, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Around the World
tagged Paris

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