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Long Overdue All About Lugo,and our Stay with Anne and Simon

I'll start this by saying that Lugo, and particularly the province of Galicia which Lugo is in, has been the first place to seriously tempt us into calling it home. It has a similar magic to Ireland, all the beauty of the Sierra Nevadas and the Rockies foothills, an affable populace, and almost...

permalink written by  Slade's Elucidation on July 29, 2008 from Lugo, Spain
from the travel blog: Slade's Elucidation

The Wound

For the morbily curious, here it is! (Dont click on the photo if you dont want to see it in detail) Two more days with Anne and Simon, then we head to Santiago de Compostela for two days. Then were onto Rome for a week and our next farm stay in Tuscany. We'll have to do a Lugo post...

permalink written by  Slade's Elucidation on July 26, 2008 from Lugo, Spain
from the travel blog: Slade's Elucidation

Tis but a flesh wound

Well I was planning to write up a blog all about Lugo; tell you guys about its celtic origins and cool roman history...but that will have to wait a bit now. Because instead I get to tell you all about my trip to the Spanish ER, how exciting!! James and I were working on unburying some...

permalink written by  Slade's Elucidation on July 22, 2008 from Lugo, Spain
from the travel blog: Slade's Elucidation

Spain update and some more randomness from my head

We've been in Lugo for a few days now and things are going great. My everything is sore and a bit sunburned..but good ;) We've been working on an organic farm owned by Anne and Simon who are an English couple who farmed in Ireland for years. The house were staying in is supposedly 500 years...

permalink written by  Slade's Elucidation on July 15, 2008 from Lugo, Spain
from the travel blog: Slade's Elucidation

Lugo Spain, doing a farm stay. More later.

Just an update so everyone knows we're alive and well. We're in Lugo Spain now doing a farm stay. We'll update a bit later once we get internet worked out here. Wanted to say hi to everyone and we have lots to tell. Big love to everyone, James

permalink written by  Slade's Elucidation on July 12, 2008 from Lugo, Spain
from the travel blog: Slade's Elucidation

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