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Traveling in Thailand to Ayuttaya, and Lop Buri the Monkey City

A Mike in Sukothai after Ayuttaya and Lop Buri I've been on the road since Bangkok traveling by rail north, first on a commuter train and then on the National Railways. Transportation in Bangkok was by Taxi and Motorbike Taxi and walking. I never made it to a Sky Train station or took a...

permalink written by  Mike_Veine on October 22, 2013 from Lop Buri, Thailand
from the travel blog: Laos, Thailand and Beyond!

Lop Buri, day nine!

oggi ultimo giorno a Lop Buri.dopo una colazione in cui, a parte il caffe', il resto era un' entita' non ben identificata, mi dirigo a visitare le cose che ieri, causa pioggia, non sono riuscita a vedere. a parte un po' di templi, ho avuto due esperienze molto simpatiche. ho assistito...

permalink written by  valuz on April 7, 2007 from Lop Buri, Thailand
from the travel blog: my 30s!!

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