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Great Balls of Fire

So this is about a week late. I have no excuse besides laziness. I'm sorry guys. So when I last left you I was heading to Nong Khai for the Naga Fireballs festival. I took a VIP bus from Chiang Mai to Udothani. I made sure to pay for the VIP bus this time. It was a much better...

permalink written by  Kirk on November 6, 2012 from Nong Khai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Kirk's South East Asia Adventure

Yhteenveto Thaimaasta

Vietin Thaimaassa yhteensä 29 päivää. Matkustin maata pitkin ensin Bangkokista etelaan, ja sielta sitten uudestaan pohjoisempaan, ja viimeistelin kokemuksen 34 tunnin matkalla Ko Phanganin saarelta aivan Pohjois-Thaimaaseen Laosin rajalle. Thaimaassa on mukava ja helppo matkustaa, jos varaa...

permalink written by  rosabella on April 13, 2012 from Nong Khai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Kaukana kotoa: Siperian halki ja matkantekoa Itä-Aasiassa

Thaimaalainen uusivuosi Song Kran

Pitkan matkan kulkija on paassyt jo aivan Pohjois-Thaimaaseen Laosin rajalle Nong Khain kaupunkiin. Tanne johti pitka matka Ko Phanganin saarelta, silla matka eri kulkuvalineilla; skootterilla, laivalla, kahdella pitkan matkan bussilla, yhella lyhyen matkan bussilla, kaksi kertaa pickupin...

permalink written by  rosabella on April 12, 2012 from Nong Khai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Kaukana kotoa: Siperian halki ja matkantekoa Itä-Aasiassa

Nong Khai....finally!

. Checked into our little houses (Mut-Mee). Went down to the river bar, and checked it out. Super tired, so went to bed. Day 34 Woke up….damn it was hot last night. Jumped on the bus and went to a Cal Poly Alumni’s village he lives in now. Been there 20 years with a thai wife and 3...

permalink written by  Matt Eastlick on May 4, 2009 from Nong Khai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Thailand Study Abroad

On the Way

Well….didn’t make it. Went to bed. Woke up to Justin telling me to wake up. I looked outside, and the rain was coming down. A true toad strangler. Never seen it rain sooo hard. Then the lightning started. It was banging all night long. Went back to bed. Day 32 Sunday. Went to the...

permalink written by  Matt Eastlick on April 27, 2009 from Nong Khai, Thailand
from the travel blog: Thailand Study Abroad

The North and New Years

You know those things we love to see happen to someone but hate it when it happens to you... That is just how I felt on our bus trip to Muang Ngoi Keaw. About 20 of us on the back of an 8 seater truck like tuk tuk driving at 80 km an hour, when I see this black back fly of our roof and smashing...

permalink written by  ourindochina on January 1, 2008 from Nong Khai, Thailand
from the travel blog: The Indo China Adventure (incl Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia)

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