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Jumping Around

a travel blog by Sly

Because i believe i can fly (should that be on pictures only)
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Back to where it all began: jumping in Oslo and Happy New 2011 !

Oslo, Norway

On December 27th, 2008 I was in Oslo and shot the first Jumping Picture of the serie. Two years later, i'm back jumping there !

During these two years: dozens of countries, hundreds of jumps from France to Canada, from Andalucia to Russia, from Ireland to China.

As i'm writing this (Feb 2011), I'm currently in Mauritius Island. That will be the first jumping pic from the southern hemisphere! And what about in two years from now ? I guess many more jumps, travels and backpacking indeed !

There are so many places yet to discover, so many people to meet, so many languages to discover and food to try. It would be a pity of stopping now, wouldn't it ?

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011... and JUMP ! :-)

permalink written by  Sly on January 1, 2011 from Oslo, Norway
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
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Jumping in Mauritius

Port Louis, Mauritius

This was almost a thermal shock. Right after the Artic Circle expedition I had to jump into another plane and spend a few weeks in Mauritius Island for business related reasons. Business is business but weekends are weekends and sometimes you even manage not to work on weekends ! These moments are precious and every little jump count.

My client was there also and my mauritian colleagues took us out with their families on a Saturday for a road trip in the southern part of the Island. I couldn't resist but introduce them to the Jumping Tradition ! :-)

Mauritius at this time of the year is awesome. Everage temperature is 28°C (sea water at 26°C), paradise island with many colorful animals, cheerful people, tropical fruits and white sand beaches. As one would say: what else ?

permalink written by  Sly on January 22, 2011 from Port Louis, Mauritius
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
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Jumping Around Cluj Napoca

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Taking advantage of a very cheap Wizzair flight to Cluj-Napoca, I ended up spending a weekend in this little city in northern Romania along with Sylvain.

I must admit my total lack of culture and confess that I didn't even know about the name of this city before booking the tickets. After some little digging, you'll learn that Cluj-Napoca it located in Transylvania, famous for Dracula and other dark stories. Maybe this is why they have the strongest Garlic sauce I ever tasted ?

The city in itself is quiet during the day but become very lively at night as this is mostly a student city. Compared to the rainy & grey weather in Paris at the same time, it was a real relief to be spending a weekend in a sunny place like this.

permalink written by  Sly on March 11, 2011 from Cluj-Napoca, Romania
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping in Ljubljana

Ljubljana, Slovenia

First time in Ljubljana (and in Slovenia in general). We climbed the castle and its Tower to get a view of the city and surroundings. Ideal place for a basic jumping picture. That was without taking the wind into consideration. The result ? A perfect haircut while jumping :-)

I really enjoyed Slovenia. It is a little country (2 M. inhabitants) with a great variety of landscapes from the big Alp mountains to the adreatic sea beaches. Food also reflects this duality with strong and heavy traditional dishes perfects for cold Winters but cooked with "latin" influences (tomatoes, pesto, olive oil). Yummy yummy !

Main language is indeed Slovenian (which is a slave language, hence quite complex) but Italian is also widely spoken.

permalink written by  Sly on April 16, 2011 from Ljubljana, Slovenia
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
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Trying new Jumping styles in Bled

Bled, Slovenia

I really did have to think a while before deciding to post this picture. I didn't intend to look so Kawai / Kikoolol / Kute / [insert other girly adjectives starting with K here>...

But what the heck, surroundings, new Spring season and sunny weather might have gotten into my mood and ended up with this pose :-)

I tried to recover some charisma with another jump...

... but failed again.

permalink written by  Sly on April 17, 2011 from Bled, Slovenia
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
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Jumping in sunny Piran

Piran, Slovenia

After the Alp Mountains, the sunny sides of the Adriactic !

Slovenia has a really little front to the sea. It is squeezed in between Italy and Croatia coasts. Piran reminded me of the little village of my own Côte d'Azur in southern France. The people around seem to be fluent in both Slovenian and Italian, much more than in the rest of the country.

permalink written by  Sly on April 18, 2011 from Piran, Slovenia
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
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Is this becoming a tradition ? Family jumping for Easter

Limans, France

This year again, Easter long weekend was the perfect occasion for a family gathering in southern France. A tough weekend indeed, spending most of the time eating and enjoying the great weather of Provence !

After all that food eating contest, a little jump was more than necessary :-)

permalink written by  Sly on April 24, 2011 from Limans, France
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Team Jumping in Frankfurt

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

This year again the had the incredible opportunity to have all people from my team spread over Europe to gather for a few days in a Training Event. Around 80 people from 15 different countries come to Frankfurt and I couldn't miss the chance to make some of them to jump while we were visiting the city after a long day of training and presentations.

permalink written by  Sly on May 10, 2011 from Frankfurt am Main, Germany
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
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Jumping in Lisboa

Lisboa, Portugal

Portugal had been missing on my list for way too long. Hence I was very much looking forward to spending 4 days in Lisbon. And it was truly wonderful!

Lisbon is a gorgeous city. It spreads on 7 hills and overlooks the Tage River and the Atlantic. The weather was just perfect, so was the food and the general relaxed-mood. And, what's more, we realized that we arrived just for the Festas de Lisboa, also know as the weekend-long sardin BBQ party.

permalink written by  Sly on June 11, 2011 from Lisboa, Portugal
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Jumping in Sintra's Palace

Sintra, Portugal

Sintra is a little village outside Lisbon, facing the Atlantic, and now part of UNESCO World Heritage. At the top of the hill, lies the Pena National Palace. This 19th century palace, offering outstanding views of the surroundings, is what could be a palace out from a Disney movie with many colors, towers and mix between different styles across centuries (from middle age castles, to renaissance palaces and Moorish architecture).

permalink written by  Sly on June 12, 2011 from Sintra, Portugal
from the travel blog: Jumping Around
tagged Jumping

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Will not leave this planet before having jumped everywhere on it !

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