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James' World Tour

a travel blog by James Mouat

I've decided to take a year of my life and travel the world to broaden my horizons. I'm keeping this blog as a record of my travels, adventures and random thoughts along the way.

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Rudimentary Beginnings

Vancouver, Canada

Well, I've decided, it's final and I'm going to do it. I'm going to take a year and travel. At the point I am still a few months away from leaving, I have a lot of things to plan, paperwork to do and things to sort out before I can leave.

It's a daunting thought living off of what I can carry on my back for an entire year, and the challenges that it will bring, but it's also very exciting. I can't wait to start wandering, seeing the world and meeting people along the way.

My only real goal is to see as much as I can while spending as little money as possible. I want to make a complete trip around the globe, and doing so won't be easy when trying to do it on the cheap. I am going to be researching some good alternatives to air travel to help keep costs down, along with getting setup to do a lot of hostel living.

I haven't really got a plan for the language barriers I will encounter. Since I'll be moving through regions quite often I won't have a lot of time to learn a language, and i don't want to carry translator books for every language. I suspect I'll be winging it a lot, thinking on my feet and generally being creative, but that's kind of the point of going in the first place.

I've been speaking with a friend about traveling together, but there is no certainty there. As things stand I'm working on getting myself ready to go, and if she can sort herself out too, then all the better.

Tomorrow I start my new exercise regime and diet to help me get in shape for the trip. It's a pretty intense program, but i am up to the challenge and have the motivation of my trip to keep me at it.


Things I need to sort out:

- Renew passport.
- Make a list of possible countries to visit.
- Create rough travel route.
- Research travel VISA's that might be required for various countries.
- Visit doctor for various shots.
- Find a good digital camera.
- Find a good, compact laptop.
- Make travel kit checklist of travel essentials.
- Get eyes checked/new glasses. (consult with optometrist about corrective eye surgery)
- Lose 30 Lbs.

Nothing that can't be done in three or four months. :)

permalink written by  James Mouat on March 9, 2009 from Vancouver, Canada
from the travel blog: James' World Tour
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James Mouat James Mouat
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I am James Mouat. As of writing this I am 28, Canadian and I call Vancouver home. I work as a video game designer but have the urge to do more with my life at the moment than just my career. I am taking time away to find out more about myself and the world by traveling.

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