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30th day

die besten grüße aus glasgow... Bin wieder bei einem couchsurfer untergebracht und es ist herrlich dreckig hier.. Und irgendwie juckt es mich trotz meiner luxusaufenthalte in den letzten tagen überhaupt nicht. Mein host ist super und wir waren gestern auf nem coolen weihnachtskonzert (big band,...

permalink written by  deZandra on December 4, 2010 from Glasgow, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: GB in 33 days

Back home

The rest of the trip to Belfast went without incident, though I felt very relieved when the plane took off from Newark. Landing in Belfast, though, I discovered that there were hardly any facilities at the airport, most importantly no shower. I spent a while asking staff members about...

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on January 29, 2010 from Glasgow, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Michael's Lonely post-Honeymoon

Yet another test entry

Well, this is a test of this new blog. Well, this is a test of this new blog. Well, this is a test of this new blog. Well, this is a test of this new blog. Well, this is a test of this new blog. Well, this is a test of this new blog. Well, this is a test of this new blog. Well, ...

permalink written by  TGTravels on August 21, 2009 from Glasgow, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Europe with the Jonses, Perrys and Mahneys

Travelling to Australia

Glasgow airport Dubai hotel Bangkok airport Arriving Sydney airport Waiting Sydney airport Arriving Wagga Walking over the tarmac In the terminal New mates New pillow

permalink written by  chumpybagsnatcher on July 9, 2009 from Glasgow, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Donald Family Trip To Australia 2009

Burrall collection

Two days later and halfway to Scotland we travelled further north to Glasgow. Our friends Sandy and Trevor had advised that we visit the Burrall collection, where we got lost in the vast museum looking at thousands of artefacts collected all over the world. This made us really excited as we...

permalink written by  Kat and Ben on March 10, 2009 from Glasgow, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Kat & Ben's World Adventure

We're off.....

it seems like this day would never come and finally its arrived. Leaving Glasgow on a cold January day - going to miss everyone loads, but we promise to keep in touch. xx

permalink written by  Clarabella and Daniel on January 6, 2009 from Glasgow, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Clarabella and Dan's Travel Blog

Final Countdown

So little time left and still loads to do! I've had enough of embassies and consulates. Yesterday I drove to Edinburgh, running rather late for my visa appointment, and the lorry driver in front of me once I'd hit the city traffic was blasting out Europe's "The Final Countdown" as we crawled...

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on December 6, 2008 from Glasgow, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon

Wedding Gifts

Lots of people have been asking us about a "gift list". We don't have a gift list, partly because we already have most of what you normally put on it, and partly because we won't be able to cart them all round the world with us. Instead, what we are hoping is that people will donate something...

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on November 26, 2008 from Glasgow, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon

Just setting up the blog...

I've added everywhere we're flying to (and from), on the map, but the dates after flying from South Africa to Hong Kong are all guesses at the moment. I've filled in some guesses at the overland sections as well, but everything in the Americas is highly speculative.

permalink written by  The Happy Couple on November 26, 2008 from Glasgow, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Michael's Round-the-World honeymoon

The UK

The first overseas trip.

permalink written by  mgaudiel on September 29, 2008 from Glasgow, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: 2004-2005

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