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19th day

Letzte Gruesse aus Liverpool, bevor ich morgen nach Manchester weiter eier :) Gestern habe ich die Stadt erkundet und musste mich erstmal etwas zurechtfindet... man laeuft ca. 40 min von meinem host an den Albert Dock (City Centre) und ich hatte es mir irgendwie viel kleiner vorgestellt^^ Am...

permalink written by  deZandra on November 23, 2010 from Liverpool, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: GB in 33 days

18th day

Sooooo.... bin gut in Liverpool angekommen.. allerdings etwas komisch.. Mein aktueller Host Tyrese ist zur Zeit in Birmingham und kommt erst morgen Abend wieder. Er hat seinen mate Carlos die Schluessel gegeben und der hat mich dann heute vom HBF abgeholt und fuer mich gekocht und mich dann zum...

permalink written by  deZandra on November 21, 2010 from Liverpool, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: GB in 33 days

"Here comes the son"

Dad if your reading this then your got my email with the details on how to catch up with us. I am writing this from the future...scary. I left my entry late as per usual to those that know me. I really shouldn´t have as I forget...

permalink written by  Pete+Rochelle on October 16, 2010 from Liverpool, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Round the world!!!

Swapping Shirts

I've had a relaxing day in Liverpool today. It's lightly raining of course, but it doesn't seem to be as cold as yesterday. I managed to take in some more Beatles sites-- Cavern Club on Mitchell Street. On my way there I happened upon what looked like a commercial being shot. It was something to...

permalink written by  Sarah Andrea on May 6, 2010 from Liverpool, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Europe 2010

Jolly Old England

It's been ages since my last confession..er, I mean, blog! It seems the wind has blown me to Liverpool ...and by wind, I mean volcanic ash cloud. The original plan was to fly to Poland, but word came that the ash cloud was making it's return and rather than chance it and get stuck with a...

permalink written by  Sarah Andrea on May 5, 2010 from Liverpool, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Europe 2010

Tour of Liverpool

We had a great day in Liverpool with Arthur and Sue (Derek's dad and stepmum). We started by walking around downtown checking out the shops... indoor and outdoor shopping centres! We met up with Eleanor Rigby and sat and chatted with her a while! We walked through Mathew...

permalink written by  jennderek on July 20, 2009 from Liverpool, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: UK Tripper

Liverpool Airport

I thought I was going to miss the plane when I went to Liverpool. We just hit traffic jam after traffic jam. It took twice the time it usually would. My flight left at 9.30am and we arrived just after 9. The gate was to close at 9, and you don't get there until you've gone through security. ...

permalink written by  Abby Benton on February 8, 2008 from Liverpool, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: UK

Getting to grips with blog...

So I should be packing or something really, but I thought it would be much more fun to fight the technology-battle with this blog. I will try not to bore you all too much while I'm away with lots of long paragraphs, but instead I shall put lots of photos up! How does that sound?

permalink written by  H on October 9, 2007 from Liverpool, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: H - Seeing the world...

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