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one week to go.....

one week to go until our trip, very exciting :)

permalink written by  Tash and Rob's trip around the world on October 17, 2011 from London, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: One week to go until out trip:)

Some more rolling..

So a few more rollings... Lizzie's leaving party..... This is moi, et Lizzerine, et my new housemate Leila... Ooh, ooh, and I had a big work luncheon thing the other day at The Dorchester. It is an annual affair, and you get invited by suppliers. Neil from Tektura (Dad's monday...

permalink written by  Lejjy on November 6, 2010 from London, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: This is how I roll.....

Back in London town

Fri 22nd-Sat 27th Oct Friday night was low key with salad and fruit and tv. After a big night out and a bit of a hang over from Paris, it was definatly needed. We had a big sleep then went into Camden on...

permalink written by  Pete+Rochelle on October 27, 2010 from London, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Round the world!!!

Bye bye England

I'm finally doing it... I'm going travelling. Its my last day at work and by the time everyone else gets into work on Monday and finishes chatting about X- factor I will be sitting on my own in the departure lounge. Given that its a Friday I'm obviously incredibly hungover following...

permalink written by  lizziecarver on October 15, 2010 from London, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Backpacking... it's not as fun as Insurance

London 30th Sep-7th Oct

London has been a little different for both Pete and I. For Pete it’s been a new experience going through similar experiences I had first time I was here. For upon arrival London IS exactly as you expect it to look, all the houses are the same and the weather IS grey. For me it’s been a bit of a...

permalink written by  Pete+Rochelle on October 8, 2010 from London, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Round the world!!!

Pete's thoughts

Captain's Blog: England is far a more inviting place than our previous destination. Although the Brits didn't give us Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan or birdflu, they make their mark in providing Comfort food, rain, bars on every corner, pretty history monuments, and madcow disease. Bottom line: I like...

permalink written by  Pete+Rochelle on October 6, 2010 from London, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Round the world!!!

Erster Beitrag

Hier nur ein Test

permalink written by  cruiso on September 14, 2010 from London, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Unterwegs

Coops' and Bets' leaving party.

Tronny - I have put photos from your leaving party on the poota - and here are a choice few. Love you. More 'This is how I roll' later! xxx

permalink written by  Lejjy on September 4, 2010 from London, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: This is how I roll.....

Wave goodbye to the folks and off to London.

Staying with other sister, hubby and niece for 4 weeks

permalink written by  theotherwayround2010 on August 23, 2010 from London, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: The Other Way Round

Cairo flights

There are some wonders of the world that simply need to be immortalized. Grab your camera, a good book and a cheap flight to Cairo for a glimpse at the last surviving wonder of the world, the Pyramid of Giza. This Pyramid is thought to have been built around 2600 BC and a closer look at this...

permalink written by  travelondon on July 21, 2010 from London, United Kingdom
from the travel blog: Cheap Flight London

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