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permalink written by  Dr_Kim on May 31, 2008 from Albany, United States
from the travel blog: Dr_Kim's Travel Blog

Friday 2, May On our way . . .

Here we are, departure day has finally arrived and we are ready to go. Hopefully we will all make it through security with our bags . . . so many gifts, so little weight allowed! Feelings of excitement, anticipation, nervousness all rolled into one. Whew . . .everyone's checked luggage made...

permalink written by  GSE7190-1910 on May 2, 2008 from Albany, United States
from the travel blog: D7190 GSE to GSE 1910

Rotary District 7190 GSE to Eastern Europe

Welcome to my travel blog. I hope to add to this as I travel during the next month. Hopefully I can share some of the things I'm seeing and doing so that my friends and family and some special students at Middleburgh Elementary School can follow along. I love to meet new people and to...

permalink written by  Dr_Kim on May 2, 2008 from Albany, United States
from the travel blog: Dr_Kim's Travel Blog

1st flight

US Air wanted to put me on a non-stop to Charlotte, but then I wouldn't be upgraded to first class. I stayed with my original itinerary. By the way, I still don't have the miles credited for the first leg.

permalink written by  John Koen on August 14, 2007 from Albany, United States
from the travel blog: 12 hours in Minneapolis

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