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Day 25: Revolution and Reconciliation

Today was our first full day in Birmingham. We arrived last night and was greeted by Lois Whitten, Justine's father's oldest friend. Justine and Lois had never met before, but had heard all about each other through stories from Neil. Lois has lived in Birmingham her entire life and is a...

permalink written by  JRadhirsch on September 25, 2008 from Birmingham, United States
from the travel blog: The Great American Road Trip

Day 6 Alabama- we came, we saw and we left...fast.

We drove through Alabama, saw some crazy trailers, confederate flag bumper stickers on every car and miles and miles of backwoods. We had quite an experience at the local thrift store where everyone knew we were not from around there based on our front teeth. We fed some cows granola bars and...

permalink written by  KellyandKai on September 10, 2007 from Birmingham, United States
from the travel blog: Kelly and Kai Road Trip

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