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Tuesday July 3, 2007

last minute emergencies arise, as always. the laptop i had for europe died. so.. a frantic hour or 2 of comparison shopping later and i have a brand new $600 laptop for my trip. i feel a lot better knowing i have a reliable computer especially since i intend on using my laptop to find...

permalink written by  faeryp on July 3, 2007 from Charlottesville, United States
from the travel blog: Backpacking Europe

Thursday June 21, 2007

the purpose in life is to feel as often as possible that you are alive. REALLY alive. you know, that feeling that you get when you do something truly incredible. where you look around and realize you're alive. and the thought of it takes your breath away. yeah, THAT.

permalink written by  faeryp on June 21, 2007 from Charlottesville, United States
from the travel blog: Backpacking Europe

Friday June 15, 2007

Products: Eurail Global Pass 3 month - 2nd Class Ms Elizabeth Davis, Youth, USA $1,235.00 Product Total $1,235.00 Subtotal: $1,235.00 Shipping Cost: $0.00 Amount Paid: $1,235.00 done :)

permalink written by  faeryp on June 15, 2007 from Charlottesville, United States
from the travel blog: Backpacking Europe

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