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Wrong blog! (go to blogspot.com)

Check out the real blog at: http://23andretired.blogspot.com/ This blog still shows up in google even tho I deleted it...

permalink written by  kgaunt on October 25, 2011 from San Luis Obispo, United States
from the travel blog: 23 and Retired

Camino de San Diego II

Por la manana he salido de Monterey y he ido a Big Sur, un parque natural en la Costa q me habian hablado muy bien y no era para menos. De ahi a San-Luis Obispo, un Pueblo cerquita de la Costa de muchos estudiantes y surferos. Pasar la noche y seguir camino.

permalink written by  Eka on June 24, 2009 from San Luis Obispo, United States
from the travel blog: Ekaren bidaia

San Luis Obispo

Hi So my short stint of lone travelling on the Californian coast is almost over. Nick set me the challenge of meeting at least two new friends while he was gone. I'd love to say this has been a success, and I have met a number of people in the two hostels I've been in but I can't actually...

permalink written by  willsandbrook on June 24, 2008 from San Luis Obispo, United States
from the travel blog: Cycling the Pacific Coast

The Quintessential Kitsch American Experience

Choc shake and cherry pie at the Madonna Inn ("the best place to spend a vacation night in America").

permalink written by  walbs on April 8, 2008 from San Luis Obispo, United States
from the travel blog: Chrome Wheeled, Fuel-Injected and Steppin' Out Over the Line

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