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Hope Fest 2010, Spokane, WA - 06/23/10

So the first show of the summer happened to be close to home (at least for everyone else in the band). It was Hope Fest 2010 and it was a great cause! A group of 100 kids came up from Oregon to the Union Gospel Mission to minister to the local hurting and homeless population in Spakane. We heard...

permalink written by  Jake Jones on June 25, 2010 from Spokane, United States
from the travel blog: We As Human Tour/Show Blog, Summer 2010

Day 30


permalink written by  russdraper on May 15, 2010 from Spokane, United States
from the travel blog: russdraper's Travel Blog

Covenant, Spokane, WA - 05/09/10

Here's the last stop on the Spring Tour 2010. Had a blast getting to know the dudes and meeting my new family! It was an amazing trip and I look forward to hitting the road this Summer! As we were pulling up to the church, we had to squeeze between a school bus and a car.... didn't...

permalink written by  Jake Jones on May 9, 2010 from Spokane, United States
from the travel blog: We As Human Tour/Show Blog, Spring 2010

Calvary Chapel Youth Room, Spokane, WA - 5/5/10

Back to back with Port Angeles, this show OFF THE HOOK! We had some AMAZING pizza which was cooked FRESH in the brick oven just for the youth and bands! We had a blast, and the fans were GREAT!!! There was a great team of people helping out and sponsoring the event. The group...

permalink written by  Jake Jones on May 5, 2010 from Spokane, United States
from the travel blog: We As Human Tour/Show Blog, Spring 2010

Spokane, WA

Stop #31.

permalink written by  hveidt on April 30, 2009 from Spokane, United States
from the travel blog: Across the U.S.

Sacred Heart Hospital

Sacred Heart Hospital

permalink written by  nknight on January 19, 2009 from Spokane, United States
from the travel blog: Joshua's Residency Interview Locations

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