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Day 2

First of all we need to fill in the missing details from yesterday: As we walked from Ile St Louie to Ile La Cite to check out Notre Dame, we were crossing the La Seine on the Pont Saint Michel bridge, a musician was playing along the river and a beautiful young women in a sun dress was riding...

permalink written by  pscossette on June 19, 2007 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: The Cossette Family Sabbatical

Arriving in Paris

After an uneventful flight across the pond, though the three of us slept a collective 3 hours, we arrived in Paris ready to go. After a slight delay in getting our train passes due to unexpected glitches in credit card function we were on our way to Paris city center. We arrived on Ile Saint...

permalink written by  pscossette on June 18, 2007 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: The Cossette Family Sabbatical


Photos by Tafensa Al hoceima

permalink written by  ezziani on June 13, 2007 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: EZZIANI

Tour de France

we went on a 6 day journey through france

permalink written by  muppetgirl on May 5, 2007 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Tour de France


It begins with a flight from Colognia, Germany to Paris, France; with another friend of Costa Rica. That is my country, I´m just in Germany for a year, doing voluntary work, witch is a fuck up job!! but anyways, my story is another, you see, this trip happen during the easter vacations; this...

permalink written by  calvis on April 11, 2007 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: France

C'est la vie

Paris is a city that wins you over in slow motion. It creeps up on you. Despite the architectural beauty and awesome vistas, this is not a love-at-first-sight city. Why? The people. Parisians take some getting to know.

permalink written by  lagarde on February 19, 2007 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Paris

Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Louvre.... Paris duhhhhhh

Returned from Paris, France this morning... what an eventful weekend! First, let me update on last week in Barca. Last sunday, I visited the Picasso Museum because a lot of the museums are free the first Sunday of the month, good deal, but very crowded. We went to Nubaa near our apt in...

permalink written by  stephshap on February 11, 2007 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: French crepes

wish you were here

there’s routine but no boredom. theres surprises but not anxiety. life in europe is different than at home where the monotony drains you and leaves you mind as weak as your smile. some say the french are lazy. it is their appreciation of life that we have trouble comprehending. wine and...

permalink written by  lepetiteprof on February 6, 2007 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: every day, every night, every time

le commencement

im watching the french countryside and it still feels impossible that im here. its been so much of my life that it just seems a part of it already. i didn't go to a foreign country, i went home. the goodbyes were hard, as most are. but everything went as planned, which made it a little...

permalink written by  lepetiteprof on January 9, 2007 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: all glory comes from daring to begin

Minor indignities

7 hours in a dark cabin feeling the blood flow cease to your legs, eyes closed but unable to sleep, simply waiting: to arrive, to start, to cease simply imagining this trip. I remember a time when flying fascinated me, and I could sleep on a flight. No more. Air France charged me $125 extra...

permalink written by  roel krabbendam on December 19, 2006 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Harmattan

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