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Paris, France

It begins with a flight from Colognia, Germany to Paris, France; with another friend of Costa Rica. That is my country, I´m just in Germany for a year, doing voluntary work, witch is a fuck up job!! but anyways, my story is another, you see, this trip happen during the easter vacations; this germans give 2 weeks just for that, and they eat a lot of cake during the holly-day....but as i was saying, we arrived in France around 8 at night, and we had to get to my cousins apartment; wish sexual interests must be wonder; we have to take trains and the Metro in Paris witch for a person that has never being in that city is totally over coming....And this "Parisins" or what ever they are call, they hate speaking Spanish and they don´t speak English!! And if you do, they just hate you for that! We get to the apartment, after a lot of searching on the wrong direction...and the code my cousin gave me to enter the place is wrong!!!!! It does´nt WORK!! and it´s already 11pm, and we are all alone. So we get to this pay-phone and the stupid machine only speaks French, witch I find totally idiotic cos Paris is a touristic town. We finally make contact with my cousin and what happens: " Are you stupid or what???!!!! How difficult is to dial the numbers on the screen??" .....very difficult when are the wrong set of numbers!!! We were never going to be able to get in, but at the end we got to sleep in a warm bed.

permalink written by  calvis on April 11, 2007 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: France
tagged Paris and FirstNight

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