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Hola hola, que tal!. Pues ya me había tarado en escribir, pero es que no he parado, camino a diario desde muy temprano hasta ya tarde, pero y es que como no hacerlo, si es la única forma de recorrer tooodos los lugares hermosos que tiene París. Llegando llegando a donde me he...

permalink written by  Tania Sossa on February 1, 2010 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Vagabundeando


Helloooo... Pues nada, despues de un viaje no tan Largo, he llegado a Paris. Dejenme ver bien como me las arreglo para andar y luego platico y les escribo las formas para ir a que sitios de acuerdo?... hasta ahora.

permalink written by  Tania Sossa on January 31, 2010 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Vagabundeando


We made it to Paris on the Euro Star. We went through snow covered fields through the North of France which was very pretty. Once we got to Paris though there, was no snow to be seen. Only very cold wind. We got to our hotel, no view of the Eiffel Tower from our room but it was clean and...

permalink written by  craigandcorrine on January 4, 2010 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: World Tour


We slipped away to Paris for the weekend.

permalink written by  cassy on December 23, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: france

The city of [christmas] lights

my lasssst trip within europe (FOR NOW) was to paris. i went with my friends liz, catherine, sarah, sera, and kara, and we met liz's friend katrin there, who is studying in Gronoble, just outside of Paris. we spent the first night of our trip in the airport, how fun. NOT. after that we swore...

permalink written by  Taryn Hawkins on December 10, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Granada

Jumping in front of Saint Eustache church

Jumping a few meters away from my former apartment in Paris. This picture is the first jumping picture celebrating my latest DSLR. The wonderful D90.

permalink written by  Sly on November 22, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Jumping Around


This is the big departure!

permalink written by  cyril360 on November 15, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Around...

Quasi says, "Bonjour!"

Paris is awesome! I am so glad to be here. When I was five years old I decided that I would climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower. My parents left my brother and me with some neighbors and took a two week vacation in Europe. Before they left they told me about the Eiffel Tower and how they...

permalink written by  tomkane on October 9, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: 2009 Trans-Siberian

The biggest and best sites of Paris

What a huge day we had today, so busy! We all managed a small sleep in today and made our way down stairs for our breakfast before hitting the sites of Paris for the day. However, before we could take in all the sites, we had to sort out our bus tickets back to the UK, so, after hunting about...

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on August 31, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Europe 2009

Oh la la, it's Paris again!

Another loooong day of travel! It started off alright; Chris and Max head off to see the rest of the rocks while Luke and I packed up the last of our stuff and took another early morning stroll to the beach and the sea side town surrounding it. The boys eventually made there way back to the...

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on August 30, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Europe 2009

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