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Crepes in France really do taste so much better!

This weekend was pretty normal… you know, just jetted off to Paris for a couple days! We left Dublin around 8 Friday night so didn’t arrive at our hotel in Paris until past midnight. Our hotel was right off the metro line though so it was super convenient! It was a cute little place with a...

permalink written by  kmr788 on July 20, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Dublin, Ireland

Efin a Paris

Bonjour nous sommes enfin arrivé a Paris. Ca va bien; le vol a ete long et la journee aussi car on a fait le tour de la ville. Ouff. Il a fait super beau et chaud et la on va boire une bonne bouteille et on va se coucher 8h. On a pas dormis dans lavion et on est mort. :) Ca ecrit mal les...

permalink written by  Oli & Marie on July 5, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Paris-Italie

Those Darn Frenchies

The overnight train was a new experience for me. There were two sets of bunks in a carriage with three each. We got pillows, sheets and a blanket. Laying down, rather than sitting up trying to sleep was a welcome change. I kept waking up because of how bouncy the train was, but I managed to...

permalink written by  kalib on June 29, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Guido Watch '09

Jumping in front of Notre Dame de Paris

Jumping with Eva in front of Notre Dame de Paris during June 21st Fête de la Musique !

permalink written by  Sly on June 21, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Jumping Around

Goodbye to friends, train to Paris

It was sad to have to leave Kris and Paul and gorgeous Zoe today, but we did so at lunch and head to the train station where we were to catch our first over nighter to Venice, Italy. The train to Paris was again uneventful, a small wait and then onto another train for the night. Our little...

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on June 17, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Europe 2009

Eiffel tower once more (we can’t get enough) the worlds busiest roundabout and Ems new dress

The plan today was to get up super early, beat the line up for the Eiffel Tower, go up, have a squiz, back down, to the Louvre, check out Mona, then chill in a park… How ambitious were we?! Yes, we got up bright and early and yes we made it to the Eiffel Tower nice and early… but we still had...

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on June 14, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Europe 2009

Eiffel Tower, Notre Dam (minus a hunch back)

Oh my goodness, it is HOT here. So, so, SO hot. Just waking up you're wiping the sweat from your brow. I'm melting terribly. Em isn't good in the heat and she spent the day drenched in sun cream, reapplying it often, the sky was blue and the sun was beating down on us all day. I enjoyed...

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on June 13, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Europe 2009

Pardon, Parlez vous anglais?

Well, here we are, finally in France, Paris to be exact, and so far, are loving it. We’ve had such a full on day that we haven’t had a real chance to check the place out yet (so so tired) BUT, what we have seen thus far, is great! We started the day by getting up nice and early, and with...

permalink written by  Chris and Emily on June 12, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Europe 2009

Last day in Paris (by Brenda)

Our last day here in Paris. We went to see Sainte Chapelle for an hour. The lower chapel was smaller, less detailed, but proceeding upstairs the stained glass windows were amazing. Pictures of mostly every biblical story were depicted. Part of our entry involved a security check, Trevor was...

permalink written by  Trevor and Amber on May 27, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Europe Trip

Paris by Trevor

Last night we decided that we were going to go to Berlin. So we got up and went to the Train station to get our tickets. We had to wait in line for an hour (our longest wait yet). By the time we got out of there it was around noon. Our next stop was the Eiffel tower. The night before the line...

permalink written by  Trevor and Amber on May 26, 2009 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Europe Trip

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