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permalink written by  Dan Schoo on December 13, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: A cowboy boot to Europe's ass...


Feeling a bit overwhelmed, I decided to give sleep a miss tonight to make sure I have my bag packed properly for Paris. Somewhere at the back of my head a voice is telling me: Vanity...must look chic in Paris! But in the end I gave the idea up, I'd rather be able to walk fast and cover a...

permalink written by  jorgn_craw on December 7, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Euro Trip 2008

Day 2 in Paris

Day two was packed, we mastered the trains of paris and saw many sights...First, the catacombs. Over 6 million parisians are buried there, and the walls are made of their bones! Incredible and creepy at the same time. We also traveled to the antique district in northern paris...again, quite...

permalink written by  corncobb on November 22, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: European Vacation 2008

Paris in the rain

Arrived to our hotel about 8pm last night...a long day, to be sure. We have two rooms on the top floor, Liz and I can see the top of the Eifel Tower from our room...not big, but comfortable. Everyone slept ok, I think we'll be adjusted to the time change by the end of today. Just had a...

permalink written by  corncobb on November 21, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: European Vacation 2008

Day 1 In Paris

Stuart arrived promptly at 11 and we set out for the Eifel Tower...however, the high winds prevented us from going all the way to the top, so we took some photos out front and will do our ascension either later tonight or tomorrow morning. We spent a few hours at the Louvre...I think you...

permalink written by  corncobb on November 21, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: European Vacation 2008



permalink written by  lost_red_balloon on November 16, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: The European Union

Departure / Depart

I am preparing to leave, got everything packed and ready to go. Last thing is setting up this blog and hopefully all is good. Je me prepare pour le depart, la valise est faite et prete à partir. La dernier chose a faire c'est mettre ce blog en route et tout devrais etre bon.

permalink written by  Sebou on October 19, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Around the World

Departure / Depart

I am preparing to leave, got everything packed and ready to go. Last thing is setting up this blog and hopefully all is good. Je me prepare pour le depart, la valise est faite et prete à partir. La dernier chose a faire c'est mettre ce blog en route et tout devrais etre bon.

permalink written by  Sebou on October 19, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Around the World

Departure / Depart

I am preparing to leave, got everything packed and ready to go. Last thing is setting up this blog and hopefully all is good. Je me prepare pour le depart, la valise est faite et prete à partir. La dernier chose a faire c'est mettre ce blog en route et tout devrais etre bon.

permalink written by  Sebou on October 19, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Around the World

Departure / Depart

I am preparing to leave, got everything packed and ready to go. Last thing is setting up this blog and hopefully all is good. Je me prepare pour le depart, la valise est faite et prete à partir. La dernier chose a faire c'est mettre ce blog en route et tout devrais etre bon.

permalink written by  Sebou on October 19, 2008 from Paris, France
from the travel blog: Around the World

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