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One way to the Bermuda Triangle?

I received an interesting email today, from one of those websites that regularly tell me of good offers within the US of A. The item that really got my attention was the USD 49 offer (One way!) to the Bermuda Triangle. Is that meant really to be a one way trip? DC

permalink written by  DanYilin on April 1, 2009 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: go.

Thoughts at 4a.m

Our body clocks are really screwed up. It's 4am now and we both just spent the last hour or so trying to get back to sleep. I thought I had sorted out my system by sleeping away most of Monday and dutifully keeping awake till 11pm before going to sleep. But noooooo... my body has a mind of it's...

permalink written by  DanYilin on March 31, 2009 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: go.

Welcome to Hollywood Baby!

We spent the last couple of days visiting attractions in Hollywood - mainly the standard fare along Hollywood Boulevard and Universal Studios. I think it's all quite touristy so here are just some of the highlights: HOLLYWOOD The Walk of Fame where names of stars in the fields of radio,...

permalink written by  DanYilin on March 31, 2009 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: go.

The Simpsons and the Tan

So we were at Universal Studios today. After doing The Simpsons ride for the second time, we came across this cool wall mural of Bart and Milhouse. “Hey baby”, I said, “go do some funny pose there and I will take your picture” The wife said, “Aiyoh… so paiseh. Okay, you count, and I’ll...

permalink written by  DanYilin on March 31, 2009 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: go.

The Long-Awaited Interview with the Man

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank you for waiting so patiently for my interview. As befits a diva of my status, my interview is held in Hollywood, land of the stars. Imaginary Interviewer (II), take it away! II: I heard that you had to quit your job to make this trip. Are you...

permalink written by  DanYilin on March 30, 2009 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: go.

LA = Lost Already

We’re really making use of the free wireless Internet access at our motel. It’s 5am and we’ve both been up since 2.30am tapping away on our comps – blogging, Facebooking, buying our passes for Universal Studios, making bookings for car rental and our flight to New York in May. A few reasons...

permalink written by  DanYilin on March 29, 2009 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: go.

Flying on Featherless Wings

Inflight announcement on Cathay Pacific on the Singapore – Hong Kong leg: “Ladies and gentlemen, we apologise that the film “Twilight” will not be available on this flight. As a replacement, we will be screening “Four Holidays”. Thank you.” Nooooo! We had lined up our in-flight movie list...

permalink written by  DanYilin on March 28, 2009 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: go.

EN Route

Flight to Los Angeles arrived ahead of schedule. Watched in flight movie about the intermittent windshield wiper. Travel books had warned of LA Airport and I can attest it is not for the faint hearted or flying rookie with no time between stops. It would be a good candidate for a how not to...

permalink written by  RTW2009 on March 3, 2009 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: RTW/2009

En Route

Flight to Los Angeles arrived ahead of schedule. Watched in flight movie about the intermittent windshield wiper. Travel books had warned of LA Airport and I can attest it is not for the faint hearted or flying rookie with no time between stops. It would be a good candidate for a how not to...

permalink written by  Round the World 2009-2010 on February 19, 2009 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: Round the World 2009-2010

San Diego & Los Angeles

I arrived in San Diego very late at night (2am), thanks to the Greyhound bus company. They had oversold my bus, so I had to wait for a later one. That will be the last Greyhound trip for me, thankfully! I was staying in a hostel on Ocean Beach (imaginatively titled), which was two blocks from...

permalink written by  johnnoble on January 30, 2009 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: John's year off...

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