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Economy Seats Still Suck

They make your butt hurt a lot. :/ So, it's really happened now. I'm no longer in Montreal- I have no landed in San Fransisco. I was a bit teary-eyed as I left my mom at the gate, like a sap. Yes, yes, I'm a momma's girl. All in all, the flight went pretty smoothly. It took about six...

permalink written by  Maestro on August 26, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: From Montreal to Incheon

The City by the Bay

It took me some time to copy, download, upload, choose, categorize and select the pictures. But here it is, San Francisco! As I mentioned before, San Francisco is a city to love. It is extremely diverse from skyscrapers in the Financial District to cozy neighbourhoods on the Russian Hill....

permalink written by  lagrange on August 11, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: Artur's Blog

City by the Bay

That's it! I am sitting at the airport, waiting to board a plane to NYC. It just got dark, I am sitting by the window watching lights across the bay blink in the distance and smelling kerozine from jets taking off one by one. At this time I'm also enjoying the meal that you can see on the...

permalink written by  lagrange on August 5, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: Artur's Blog

Power to the Peaceful Festival

I went here last year and just loved what this city has to offer but this time I'm going just to see the one day music festival that Michael Franti puts on every year. Last year alone 70,000 people people showed up for this free concert. http://www.powertothepeaceful.org/index.php

permalink written by  Archie on July 28, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: San Francisco

San Fog-cisco

We woke up this morning and decided to go swimming. The pool was a bit low, only 4.5 ft. at the deepest, and old, so the floor was all up and bubbly. After a bit, we went in the jacuzzi, which was pretty hot (104 degrees) and relaxed. Back in the room, I called Marc and we talked about...

permalink written by  prettyblueroses on July 15, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: Northern Expedition: Our Journey to NorCal

Our Canceled Flight

Sunday, July 12, 2009 – 9:30 AM PST Originally, my sister was to drive to Sacramento on Saturday just so that she could get a ride with us on Sunday to the airport. Then, when we would arrive on the 19th, that same cousin that would drop us off on the 12th would pick up my sister and I, drive...

permalink written by  James Coloma on July 12, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: Grandmother's Funeral

can't believe our year here is over

Amazing, a year has gone by! What a great experience - we made wonderful friends, had good visitors, ate awesome food, got our level of political correctness up. And now we are off to another adventure.

permalink written by  vita on July 8, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: vita's Travel Blog

San Fran

Awakened at the Economy Inn by Benjamin's early AM routine [wake, grumble, nurse, sleep, wake, grumble, nurse, laugh, giggle, hunt for daddy]. First stop is the "Cow Hollow Playground" that I noticed on the map I pulled from the hotel's 'Pad O' Maps'. We walk the two blocks to find a wonderful...

permalink written by  heddwyn on July 2, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: To Costa Rica

Last day in San Francisco

El ultimo dia en San Francisco lo he pasado en la carcel y con los beatnik!!!

permalink written by  Eka on June 21, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: Ekaren bidaia

SanPatxi mola!!!

Todas las malas sensaciones que habia recibido en Las Vegas se han convertido en postivas nada mas llegar a San Francisco. Todavia no me ha dado tiempo a ver mucho pero pinta muy bien.

permalink written by  Eka on June 17, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: Ekaren bidaia

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