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Sea of Life

This is going to be a really simple entry - (1) cos I just want to share some photos of my favourite sea-creatures we saw at the Monteray Bay Aquarium, and (2) it's 3am in San Francisco and I should really get to bed despite having hibernated under the covers for most of yesterday evening. (If I...

permalink written by  DanYilin on April 6, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: go.

One For The Road

I've done it again. I've screwed up my body clock by falling asleep at 6pm until just awhile ago. Now that I've finally emerged from hibernation, I thought I'd do a quick update on what we've been up to in Cali before we leave the state. And also cos we promised to keep the folks at home...

permalink written by  DanYilin on April 5, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: go.

"It is the journey that matters..."

The title is the caption on the back of the t-shirt I'm wearing right now. It's a quote from a noted science fiction author [1] and it seemed an ideal sentiment to summarize my feelings as I get ready to start my Big Asia Tour, 2009. This will be a very open-ended and spontaneous tour. ...

permalink written by  panini7 on February 15, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: Panini's Asia Trip 2009

San Francisco

Few places in the world are as talked-about and loved as San Francisco, and the city definitely did not disappoint. I spent a week in San Francisco wandering about town and discovering places. These are the famous sealions down at Fishermans Wharf. They made some terrible noises...

permalink written by  niklasbergstrand on January 20, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: Niklas in America


WOW. I got off the plane from dreary Seattle to be greeted with clear blue skies & 20oC heat. Immediately, before even getting the tube to downtown, I had a feeling I was going to like this place! Having checked into my hostel (bit of a dive), I walked along Market Street (the Main St) to the...

permalink written by  johnnoble on January 17, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: John's year off...

The conclusion

I'm up at 5.20am, take a guagua to the city center, then a motorcycle taxi to the bus station followed by a bus to Higuëy, where I have around 2h of sightseeing and breakfast. The main attraction is a really unique cathedral, apart from that the city is quite standard... but I like it. Whenever...

permalink written by  bennedich on January 4, 2009 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: Ukraine, Iraq, Iran, etc

Quick visit to San Francisco...

I stay up all night packing and working, then fly to San Francisco at 9am, via Frankfurt. The flight from Frankfurt is overbooked and I'm told I'm bumped: I'll get 600 euro, hotel and a business class seat for the next flight. Awesome! Except that it means I'll miss my connecting flight to the...

permalink written by  bennedich on December 28, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: Ukraine, Iraq, Iran, etc

San Francisco day 47

Hollie came back home today and we did our 2nd interview, this is probably the nr 2/3. I got a lot of nice answers but want to know so much more, I decided to brainstorm on new stuff for the 3rd and last interview. After this interview we went to a concert/live djing show with a group called...

permalink written by  Lamignan on December 7, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California

San Francisco day 46

I currently stayed at Brads house. I had an appointment with a girl I met the week. She was this girl who used to work at kink.com. Her job was a regular desk job at one of the biggest, if not the biggest bondage/kink companies in the world. Some of her tasks were to watch the films they were...

permalink written by  Lamignan on December 7, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California

San Francisco day 48

I met up with Steve Leyba around 3 30 P.M. We did an interview and it was great. Really love this guy. Steven is an artist. He is the kind of guy who screams: " FUCK YOU AMERICA!!!" in a National Park with a lot of people there. He insisted on doing the interview behind the fence of a national...

permalink written by  Lamignan on December 7, 2008 from San Francisco, United States
from the travel blog: California

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