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Day 2: First Day in DC, part One

My day starts at 5 am, when the pilot announces that we are preparing for the landing. I slept so hard that my window seat did me no good. But DC looks nice from the plane pre-sunrise. Get off the plane 20 minutes early and my ever-faithful sweetie and our host, Robert (aka Booster to his...

permalink written by  Justine Smith on September 20, 2008 from Washington, United States
from the travel blog: The Great American Roadtrip 2.0

Day Two, Part 2

After meeting Booster's amazing Pop, Joe (an amazing man with equally amazing stories), and taking a nap despite ourselves (who wants to sleep when there is so much to see!) we regrouped, brought Boo to work and sat in the parking lot with a map. We had gone to all of the places that were on my...

permalink written by  Justine Smith on September 20, 2008 from Washington, United States
from the travel blog: The Great American Roadtrip 2.0

coming back to see you after 42 years

Hellooooo Ozu Abam! With a little bit of luck I will be visiting you again on November 10, 2008. Looking forward to seeing you after 42 years!!!

permalink written by  sharonscott on August 3, 2008 from Washington, United States
from the travel blog: Ozu Abam, Nigeria

"We're So Sorry, Uncle Albert"

Sculpted in bronze in the grounds of the National Academy of Sciences.

permalink written by  awalby on May 3, 2008 from Washington, United States
from the travel blog: The Highway Is Alive Tonight

"Has anyone seen my old friend Abraham?"

The Lincoln Memorial really is BIG! And what a view!

permalink written by  awalby on May 3, 2008 from Washington, United States
from the travel blog: The Highway Is Alive Tonight

"Has anyone seen my old friend Martin?"

permalink written by  awalby on May 3, 2008 from Washington, United States
from the travel blog: The Highway Is Alive Tonight

"God help me, I was only nineteen"

Vietnam Veteran's Memorial.

permalink written by  awalby on May 3, 2008 from Washington, United States
from the travel blog: The Highway Is Alive Tonight

"Pushy Americans, always showing up late for every war. Overpaid, oversexed, and over here."

WWII Memorial.

permalink written by  awalby on May 3, 2008 from Washington, United States
from the travel blog: The Highway Is Alive Tonight

Washington Monument

The world's tallest Stone structure (169m) and the world's tallest obelisk.

permalink written by  awalby on May 3, 2008 from Washington, United States
from the travel blog: The Highway Is Alive Tonight

Smithsonian Institution

The Smithsonian Institution was founded for the "increase and diffusion" of knowledge by a bequest to the United States by the British scientist James Smithson (1765–1829), who had never visited the United States himself. In Smithson's will, he stated that should his nephew, Henry James...

permalink written by  awalby on May 3, 2008 from Washington, United States
from the travel blog: The Highway Is Alive Tonight

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