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No country for fat people. No es país para gordos

Something you can easily discover after a couple of days in NY is that it is a city that almost force you to eat. It doesn´t matter what time you feel hungry, restaurants are always open and ready to serve you food. Furthermore, even if you are not hungry at all, there are lots of street stalls...

permalink written by  sara lacruz and chema robles on October 30, 2010 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: New York

What a view!!!

These are some of the impressive views we had from the top of the rock at Rockefeller Center. Ëstas son algunas de las impresionantes vistas de las que se puede disfrutar en lo alto de Rockefeller Centre. Watching the shocking skycrapper you can feel really really small. Anyway...

permalink written by  sara lacruz and chema robles on October 27, 2010 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: New York


Walking along Chinatown in New York you can easily forget where you are and imagine youself in the real China. It was an absolute pleasure to visit the crowded streets and feel the magic and exotism they transmit. Both, day and night trips are pure seduction for your senses. Paseando por el...

permalink written by  sara lacruz and chema robles on October 25, 2010 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: New York

Being a New Yorker

There are only three basic things you should do to look and live like a New Yorker: Las tres reglas de oro para parecer un neoyorkino: 1. Walk though the street with a shopping bag and a coffee. 1. Caminar por la calle con bolsas (cuantas más mejor) en una mano y un café en la...

permalink written by  sara lacruz and chema robles on October 25, 2010 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: New York



permalink written by  sara lacruz and chema robles on October 24, 2010 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: New York

chaos and art

If chaos and stress in a city is conducted to the right direction... Cuando combinamos arte y estrés armoniosamente... the result is art el resultado es arte:

permalink written by  sara lacruz and chema robles on October 22, 2010 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: New York

Chema playing basketball at the cage

I cant believe it!! I read many times about "the cage", the famous street basketball court in New York. It was supposed to be full of hard players but I found a guy who said that no players were there because it was too chilly for them. Hard players? Increible. Hoy he estado en "the cage" la...

permalink written by  sara lacruz and chema robles on October 20, 2010 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: New York

Our School

Schools in Manhattan are exactly the same as in Porzuna where parents come into the classroom wherever they want interrupting and bothering teachers. There is just a tiny difference: here in Manhattan there are three policewomen at the door that ask for identification to everyone trying to Enter...

permalink written by  sara lacruz and chema robles on October 20, 2010 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: New York

Art Exposition by Ron English

Going back home walking through the beautiful Soho area we found a free interesting and weird art exposition by Ron English. Volviéndo para casa nos hemos encontrado una exposición de arte de lo más inusual. El tipo se hace llamar Ron English.

permalink written by  sara lacruz and chema robles on October 19, 2010 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: New York

the unbelievable parking

You can easily know how to go to places in Manhattan. Streets are all parallel and most of them have numbers instead of names. Bearing this in mind we come to the conclusion that New Yorkers are really organized but what I could have never imagined is the way they tidy up their cars in parkings....

permalink written by  sara lacruz and chema robles on October 18, 2010 from New York, United States
from the travel blog: New York

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