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mousse au chocolat.

so, yesterday christophe was cooking "flan au pomme", and all the neighbours came over last night to eat it. then today it's "mousse au chocolat" that i caught him preparing with claudia. just thought i'd share the picture. i should have taken a picture yesterday when he was wearing...

permalink written by  girlbits on October 11, 2006 from Dublin, Ireland
from the travel blog: a britt in ireland.

like a house on fire.

tomorrow is my one monthiversary of leaving canada! that's insane! so lots has happened... i moved on saturday into my beautiful new apartment. my roommate, christophe, is the cutest and i think it's going to work out well with him. i took a couple pictures of the place... ...

permalink written by  girlbits on October 10, 2006 from Dublin, Ireland
from the travel blog: a britt in ireland.

a pumpkin and an apartment.

ugh. i just wrote a nice, long entry and then my wireless cut out and i lost everything. that's annoying. everything is happening so fast now! i can hardly keep up. so i moved into this place on tuesday. it's a cute, old house, but i'm sharing it with about a million other people...

permalink written by  girlbits on October 5, 2006 from Dublin, Ireland
from the travel blog: a britt in ireland.

coming up roses.

well, on sunday i was a little stressed out and upset about not having a place to live or a job... funny how things can change so quickly. yesterday i got a job AND a home! well, the home isn't fabulous but it's somewhere acceptable on a temporary basis while i look for something great....

permalink written by  girlbits on October 3, 2006 from Dublin, Ireland
from the travel blog: a britt in ireland.

we're gonna have a party...

so my last days in Denmark were well spent. michael and helle took me out to roskilde to walk around town and go to the cathedral where all the previous danish royalty are buried. well, not so much buried as put in caskets on display. a blurry picture, i know, but you get the...

permalink written by  girlbits on October 1, 2006 from Dublin, Ireland
from the travel blog: a britt in ireland.

all mod cons...

so here we are... another day in dublin. the last couple days have really been dedicated to finding a home, getting registered with immigration, and... well, that's it. yesterday i had to stay home in the morning to wait for the cable guys (remember the ones we waited for all day last week...

permalink written by  girlbits on September 20, 2006 from Dublin, Ireland
from the travel blog: a britt in ireland.

another day in paradise.

well, unfortunately i don't have much to tell you. yesterday we all just slept in, then moved the party to the couch where we watched movies, napped, and drank lots of water. so much for driving out to howth, but we can save that for another day. then today i had to wake up early to go to...

permalink written by  girlbits on September 18, 2006 from Dublin, Ireland
from the travel blog: a britt in ireland.

best day of my life.

i titled this "the best day of my life" because, seriously, i think it was the best experience i've ever had. it's about 3am here, i apologize for any grammatical mistakes, but i have to write about it now. so yesterday was pretty laid back. we stayed home waiting for the cable guy (who never...

permalink written by  girlbits on September 16, 2006 from Dublin, Ireland
from the travel blog: a britt in ireland.

how to lose a river.

well, i know it hasn't been long since my last entry, but i just had to share my experience this morning just to prove what an idiot i can truly be. i had a meeting at the USIT office (the people i got my visa through) at 11am this morning. they said "it's beside the river liffey, just past...

permalink written by  girlbits on September 15, 2006 from Dublin, Ireland
from the travel blog: a britt in ireland.

8 hours in dublin.

it's me again! still here in dublin, exploring the city like a crazy... city... explorer. yesterday was a bit of a write-off after my night of 100 pints on tuesday. i went for a bit of a walk, but turned back pretty quickly when i realized i just wanted to lie down. my first irish hangover!...

permalink written by  girlbits on September 14, 2006 from Dublin, Ireland
from the travel blog: a britt in ireland.

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