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My first English Teaching Experience

My first English teaching experience…..Since we are on a two week break from the summer school at San Ignacio the La Esperanza director, Pauline, decided this would be a good opportunity for the volunteers teach the ayudantes (local volunteers in the organization) English and computers. She...

permalink written by  ryan & debbrial on December 23, 2009 from Granada, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Us Discovering the Latin Americas

Paying Brides at the Boarder

Sorry I am a little behind on my blogging…. Now for Ryan’s last couple days…..His haven’t been as easy and relaxing as mine but all the same an experience. Like I said before we are on a two week break from summer school so Pauline, the La Esperanza director, decided to take this...

permalink written by  ryan & debbrial on December 23, 2009 from Granada, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Us Discovering the Latin Americas

Sight Seeing Granada

Yesterday was the first day of our vacation break and it felt like it. We all…Ryan, Stefan, Anna, and I just sat around the house watching TV and hanging out. Muy tranquilo (very relaxing). Today though, knowing me, I couldn’t sit still for another day doing nothing. Instead Ryan and I...

permalink written by  ryan & debbrial on December 20, 2009 from Granada, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Us Discovering the Latin Americas

Changing a Life

We had a very exciting day today. On behalf of my family we decided to sponsor a local Granada, Nicaraguan girl for high school. …..Here’s a little back ground….. In addition to organizing volunteers to work in schools around Granada throughout the school year and the summer school programs...

permalink written by  ryan & debbrial on December 16, 2009 from Granada, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Us Discovering the Latin Americas

Changing a Life

We had a very exciting day today. On behalf of my family we decided to sponsor a local Granada, Nicaraguan girl for high school. …..Here’s a little back ground….. In addition to organizing volunteers to work in schools around Granada throughout the school year and the summer school programs...

permalink written by  ryan & debbrial on December 16, 2009 from Granada, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Us Discovering the Latin Americas

Playing Futbol

Tonight we had planned to go to the big Virgin Mary celebration in the Central Park but were too exhausted after playing soccer with the older local kids in San Iganico this afternoon. Even tough Tuesday, tomorrow, is the main holiday and a day off for all Nicaraguans most of the volunteers...

permalink written by  ryan & debbrial on December 8, 2009 from Granada, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Us Discovering the Latin Americas

Nicaragua's Virgin Mary 9 day Holiday

Each night since last Monday the people of Granada have decorated a different street, one after another, and conducted a procession of floats of the Virgin Mary down the street in the direction of the Cathedral and Central Park. The procession attracts hundreds of locals who come to see the...

permalink written by  ryan & debbrial on December 7, 2009 from Granada, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Us Discovering the Latin Americas

100 Kids, 100% Chaos

Ryan tried to start this blog yesterday but couldn’t find the words to describe this past week. Now I am trying and am also at a loss of words. …..But I guess hear it goes…… So we started school at San Igancio on Tuesday morning. When we arrived at the school at 9:00 am there was 40+ kids...

permalink written by  ryan & debbrial on December 3, 2009 from Granada, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Us Discovering the Latin Americas

San Igancio school registration

This past week went by really fast. I guess it is because we have been really busy settling into Granada, registering for Spanish classes, planning and preparing for the children’s summer school activity group and getting to know the other volunteers. La Esperanza owns a few bikes for the...

permalink written by  ryan & debbrial on November 28, 2009 from Granada, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Us Discovering the Latin Americas

Starting our Volunteer work at La Esperanza Granada

You know the saying “When it rains it pours” well here in Central America it pretty much rains and pours everyday. However, for us the sun has been shining for the last few days, not exactly literally though. The Nicaragua-Costa Rica boarder only took 2 hours instead of 4 like last time. I...

permalink written by  ryan & debbrial on November 24, 2009 from Granada, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Us Discovering the Latin Americas

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