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maillot de foot club blog

maillot de foot club blog

permalink written by  grortiongh on August 2, 2013 from Chicago, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: maillot de foot club blog

San Marcos. Nicaragua

I had a Good week! And yes I had Changes. So I am in a new area. And it’s super "lejos" (far away) from where I was. Ha ha I am in San Marcos! (It’s about 15-20 minutes away from Jinotepe! Ha ha). But it is really sweet here. It’s close to Jinotepe in climate so it is still a lot cooler than...

permalink written by  Elder Jonathan Hardy on April 18, 2012 from Managua, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Nicaragua Managua South Mission

San Marcos. Nicaragua

I had a Good week! And yes I had Changes. So I am in a new area. And it’s super "lejos" (far away) from where I was. Ha ha I am in San Marcos! (It’s about 15-20 minutes away from Jinotepe! Ha ha). But it is really sweet here. It’s close to Jinotepe in climate so it is still a lot cooler than...

permalink written by  Elder Jonathan Hardy on April 18, 2012 from Managua, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Nicaragua Managua South Mission


Transfer to Granada

permalink written by  joshweight on March 1, 2012 from Granada, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: joshweight's Travel Blog

Third Area: Bluefields, Nicaragua

Ha ha ha, so right now I am writing you in Bluefields, on the other side of Nicaragua, on the side of the Bluefield Bay. And it is pretty cool. My new compañero is Elder Jaime Aly Gaitán Palma. Elder Gaitán is from Costa Rica, he is the only member in his family and is a convert of 2...

permalink written by  Elder Jonathan Hardy on August 10, 2011 from Bluefields, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Nicaragua Managua South Mission

Transicion demoledora

Salgo de Utila en el ferry de las 2pm y sigo en bus de la Ceiba a San Pedro Sula (unas 4 horas) y paramos en el mismo sitio donde comi los fritos de elote a la ida y esta vez no estan tan buenos. Se lo comento a Christian, un noruego que tambien va a San Pedro y me dice que por regla general...

permalink written by  chriscol on March 19, 2011 from Moyogalpa, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Centroamérica

Volcan Madera

Salgo de Moyogalpa pensando que ir al otro lado de la isla, a la finca Magdalena, va a ser un paseo. Error. Subo en bus publico que bordea el volcan Concepcion por el lado sur con destino Altagracia (una hora) y de ahi debo cambiar a otro que sigue hasta Balgue. En el trayecto hablo con...

permalink written by  chriscol on March 19, 2011 from San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Centroamérica

Barrio Monte Fresco, Managua, Nicaragua

I am now in the Barrio Monte Fresco in the Monte Fresco Ward, Estaca Managua Nicaragua Universitaria (Managua Nicaragua Universitaria Stake). We are located Km. 14 carretera Sur, entrada Conrad Ad, Managua, NICARAGUA.

permalink written by  Elder Jonathan Hardy on February 28, 2011 from Managua, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Nicaragua Managua South Mission

Second Area: Monte Fresco II (Serrania), Managua, Nicaragua

I got transferred! My new Area: Monte Fresco II (Serrania), Zone: Universitaria. And so far it’s Awesome. My new compañero is Elder Valenzuela. He is from Honduras! He´s a pretty cool guy.

permalink written by  Elder Jonathan Hardy on February 23, 2011 from Managua, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Nicaragua Managua South Mission

Splits & Zone PDay

Things are going good here. We are in Juigalpa today because we had a Zone PDay. We had a conference meeting first where we all taught principles from Predicad Mi Evangelio (Preach My Gospel). Then we had a Big Water balloon fight and played fútbol.

permalink written by  Elder Jonathan Hardy on February 3, 2011 from Juigalpa, Nicaragua
from the travel blog: Nicaragua Managua South Mission

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