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46 Blog Entries
23 Trips
15 Photos


The Travelling Futon
The Day My Toothbrush Turned Blue and Other Tales from the South Pacific
Visiting the Family
Mad dash
Whirlwind drive from Turkey to UK
Last Hurrah - Rome
a day trip turns into 4
Camel Wrestling
Amber's Travel Blog
Amber's Travel Blog
Greek Island Cruise
Half way around the world and back again
Amber's Travel Blog
Amber's Travel Blog
Amber's Travel Blog
A year and change of hashing
2009 travels

Shorthand link:


I'm an ex-bartender turned librarian who adores travel and doesn't tend to stay in one place for very long. I've lived in 4 states and 2 countries and visited many more. A nifty little widget at another site had calculated that I've seen 12% of the world so I better get off the computer and out to see some more of it.

Full Circle - or almost

Panama City, United States

It, combined with a full-sized futon, became my new bed while waiting the 2+ months for my real bed to arrive. Surprisingly it has held up quite well throughout the years and is quite comfortable. When not pinch-hitting it resides behind the full futon, just waiting for the next set of guests to arrive. Either that or the next move.

permalink written by  Amber on July 7, 2009 from Panama City, United States
from the travel blog: The Travelling Futon
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Izmir, Turkey

Well it has finally arrived with all the rest of my stuff -- well the 4500 lbs of stuff that came with me as opposed to being put in storage in Maryland. The futon is ensconced yet again in the shoe room where it has a place of honor against the wall. And here it will stay unless I have lots of guests and it needs to come out and play.

permalink written by  Amber on September 14, 2007 from Izmir, Turkey
from the travel blog: The Travelling Futon
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It's travelling again

Aviano, Italy

Well it's that time again. The movers from hell came today and packed up the futon along with lots and lots and lots of other stuff -- of which hopefully all of it makes it in one piece. So into a big crate it went to be transported by truck to it's new destination -- Izmir, Turkey.

permalink written by  Amber on August 8, 2007 from Aviano, Italy
from the travel blog: The Travelling Futon
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How I spent my 4th of July

Rome, Italy

Left my house around quarter til 5am to make it to Sacile for the 5:22 train. Arrived in Mestre around 6ish with just enough time for a quick bathroom stop then it was off to board the Eurostar for Roma. A pretty uneventful train ride down -- just me and 5 Italians all reading our newspapers and playing Sudoku (or at least I was). Arrived shortly after 11am and then spent the next hour or so trying to locate the Post Office across from binario 24 so that I may purchase my Roma Pass -- offers unlimited transport, free access to the first 2 National Museums (including the Colloseum) and discounts thereafter. After waiting in line for what seemed to be forever, eventually secured the pass and then went to locate the Orange line Metro.

Initially went in the wrong direction, but that was easily fixed and then hopped the Metro in the other direction and arrived at the Repubblica stop. Left the station and figured out where my hotel was and was able to check in, despite the fact that it was only noonish. After divesting myself of the backpack, I went out in search of the Colloseum. Took the Orange line back to the Termini station and then hopped the Blue line down to the Colloseum. Played frogger with the traffic and eventually made my way to stand in line. Luckily once I cleared the security check point I was able to bypass the ticket line and just scoot on in with my Roma Pass. Walked all around the Colloseum, just didn't get a good vibe from it, although there were some interesting views towards the Forum. Still not sure what the big shiny silver piles of whatever were, but didn't feel like going exploring in that direction once I left the Colloseum. They also had an exhibit Eros, which had some nice statuary and frescos.

The ventured towards the Palladine and the Forum and wandered all over the gardens and grottos, overlooking the city and then climbed down into the Forum. Took tons of pictures as ever and then wandered up to Capitol Hill. Didn't go in any of the museums, but after I got back to the hotel and actually read what was inside, I wish I had. Wandered down and around the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and then back up towards the Colloseum. Made my way back to the hotel via the Metro, stopped off at McD's and then took a tepid shower and promptly collapsed on the bed. Woke up a bit later by very bad karaoke downstairs and read the guide book -- discovering exactly what it was that I had seen that day.

permalink written by  Amber on July 4, 2007 from Rome, Italy
from the travel blog: Mad dash
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Aviano, Italy

I since moved to Alabama and then accepted a position at Aviano, in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region of Italy. I pick up a girl friend at the Venice airport and she's carrying a rather large box. We get back to my apartment about an hour and half north of Venice and open up a bottle of wine and begin reminiscing. At some point throughout the evening she tells me I need to open the box. Imagine my surprise when I open it and there's the futon, which has now travelled half way around the world to be reunited with me.

It's a good thing she did bring it, as it was promptly set into use a few days later when a friend of hers came to visit Italy as well and we needed the extra bed.

Since then I've loaned it to my upstairs neighbor while she was waiting for her bed to arrive, and it now resides in the shoe room.

Who knows where the futon will travel next?

permalink written by  Amber on April 15, 2005 from Aviano, Italy
from the travel blog: The Travelling Futon
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Leaving on a jet plane

Honolulu, United States

Well things went sour in Ohio and I moved back to Hawaii in May of 2000. I left most of my stuff at the ex's house, including the futon. On one of my visits back to Ohio, I transported the futon back to Honolulu as part of my checked luggage (if only I could of gotten the frequent flyer miles for it as well).

It got lots of use at Trouble Townhouse as we often had visitors staying over, up to 27 in the first month alone. When I moved into the apartment in Kapahulu, the futon moved with me, this time being utilized as a couch for awhile.

I finally finished my MLIS in May of 2003 and moved most of my stuff into storage and moved back to the Big Island in interest of saving money. I gave the futon to a girl friend of mine who used it in her loft in Manoa Valley.

permalink written by  Amber on June 30, 2001 from Honolulu, United States
from the travel blog: The Travelling Futon
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Home again home again

Cincinnati, United States

My little brother picked me up at the airport and transported the futon in its box back to the car on his skateboard. Eventually we made it back to the house in Blue Ash and he carried the futon upstairs where he commandeered it for his own during the duration of his stay.

A month or two later we moved to another house in nearby Deer Park, another suburb of Cincinnati. The futon moved with us, this time residing in the spare bedroom across the hall from his room. Here it stayed for quite some time, allowing me to read on it in the early hours of the morning when I came home from work in the bar, before my boyfriend would wake up for the day.

permalink written by  Amber on August 2, 1999 from Cincinnati, United States
from the travel blog: The Travelling Futon
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Airport Delays

Memphis, United States

On the way back to Cincinnati from Oklahoma City, I got delayed in Memphis long enough to have to stay overnight. Since I had checked both the futon AND my luggage, in order for me to have clean clothes for the next day I had to agree to take both my suitcase and the futon box. Thus, the futon was transported by shuttle bus to the Holiday Inn where the airline had put us up for the evening. In the morning, I returned to the airport, futon box in tow and continued on back to Cincinnati.

permalink written by  Amber on August 1, 1999 from Memphis, United States
from the travel blog: The Travelling Futon
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Home again home again -- almost

Los Angeles, United States

After a few relaxing days with Shirley, we drove back down I-5 to McKittrick to spend a few more days with Mom's sisters and kids before we Split up and I flew back to Cincinnati, and Mom and Pat went back to Hawaii. I vaguely remember being there for an early birthday celebration for Sever at Chucky Cheese -- but that could of been another trip.

permalink written by  Amber on July 8, 1999 from Los Angeles, United States
from the travel blog: Visiting the Family
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Over the river and through the woods

Grass Valley, United States

To Auntie Shirley's we go.... Here a delightful reception of home made salsa and chocolate chip cookies awaited. Also a trip out to the lake on the boat made for a delightful day or two. Shirley is always one of the best hosteses and I always enjoy the time spent with her, as she is a wonderfully upbeat person.

permalink written by  Amber on July 5, 1999 from Grass Valley, United States
from the travel blog: Visiting the Family
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