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Girls on Tour!

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Visit to Dublin, Ireland

Dublin, Ireland

We arrived in Dublin on Thursday 27 July and have been staying with Troy & Bree (friends of Mel & Marty's). We spent Friday doing a walking tour of the city and trying to get our bearings. It rained on us during the afternoon so that was a sign for us to get indoors...to a pub of course! On Saturday we spent half the day touring the Guinness Factory and sampling our first real taste of the brown stuff - definitely an acquired taste. We then went for a drive down to the beachside town of Howth for some lunch. The weather here is crazy..sunny one minute, then raining the next. We were totally windblown after a walk out to the pier.

Saturday night we headed into town to see the "Best of the Fest....Edinburgh comedy festival". We went to a place called "The Laughter Lounge", enjoyed a complimentary cocktail and were entertained by 3 Irish comedians. A little hard to understand their strong accents but overall we could get their jokes.

Later that night we visited a couple of the local pubs for some more drinking and a bit of dancing. Music & fashion is very interesting here!! Kind of in a bit of a time warp!

Today we went sightseeing to the country to a place called "Glendalough". It was beautiful, so green (just like in the pictures), the mountains were awesome. We went on one of the hikes through the forest to explore a bit more of the area and got to see the historic remains of a monastary and grave yard from back in the 1700's.

Had lunch at another local pub and are now enjoying some r & r at Bree's house.

We are off to the countryside again tomorrow to see some more of the sights. So far we are enjoying our time in Ireland. Definitely a little different to what we had expected but once you get out of the city it is really green and beautiful.

permalink written by  girlsontour on July 30, 2006 from Dublin, Ireland
from the travel blog: Girls on Tour!
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